
Jana Sanderson Miss Alabama Wiki, Bio, Age, Education, Career, Parents, Death, Nationality And More

Jana Sanderson Miss Alabama Wiki, Bio, Age, Education, Career, Parents, Death, Nationality And More - networth, wiki, biography
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Jana Sanderson Miss Alabama Wiki:- Miss Alabama 2000 was won by American contestant Jana Sanderson McEachern, who hails from Gadsden, Alabama. Sanderson claims that at the age of 17, she competed in her first pageant, the Miss Etowah County contest, because her mother thought it would be a good chance for her to win some scholarship money.

jana sanderson miss alabama

Jana Sanderson Miss Alabama Wiki

She won the Miss Etowah County 1997 title and was among the top ten candidates for the Miss Alabama 1997 crown. She received the title of Miss City of Champions 1998 the following year. Sanderson, who was crowned Miss Jefferson County 1999, finished as the Miss Alabama 1999 first runner-up.


Sanderson attended Glencoe High School in Etowah County, Alabama, and graduated in 1997. She had to put off finishing her bachelor’s degree in speech communication at Samford University while she served as Miss Alabama, but she ultimately went back and finished. The Chamber of Gadsden/Etowah County hired Sanderson as its director of marketing and communications in October 2002.


She was crowned Miss Congeniality after winning the preliminary swimsuit competition. On Saturday, June 17, 2000, Sanderson won the state pageant and was presented with her crown by Julie Smith, the outgoing Miss Alabama. Sanderson received a $10,000 scholarship in addition to the title and other awards. She appeared in public as Miss Alabama all around the state of Alabama and the Southeast of the United States, giving a speech on May 17, 2001, before a joint session of the Alabama Legislature.

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Parents And Siblings

Her father Brian Sanderson passed away when she was 3 years old, and her mother Judy worked as an elementary school teacher. she has 4 siblings. Marcus and John’s brothers, Jill and Margie, sisters.

Jana Sanderson Death

Multiple web sites report that Jana Sanderson McEachern, a former Miss Alabama winner and Top-10 finisher in the Miss America contest, passed away at the age of 43. She passed away in her Gadsden home. 


She is From Gadsden Alabama

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Categories: Biography

Links: Jana Sanderson Miss Alabama Wiki, Bio, Age, Education, Career, Parents, Death, Nationality And More – Tekmonk Bio, Jana Sanderson Miss Alabama Wiki, Bio, Age, Education, Career, Parents, Death, Nationality And More – Kungfutv, Jana Sanderson Miss Alabama Wiki, Bio, Age, Education, Career, Parents, Death, Nationality And More – Blogtomoney

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