
Jean Silber Bio, Age, Husband, Family, The Big Nailed It

Jean Silber Bio, Age, Husband, Family, The Big Nailed It - networth, wiki, biography
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Netflix’s The Big Nailed It Baking Challenge as it started introduced the show’s hosts Nicole Byer and Jacques Torres and they in turn welcomed their 10 new friends, AKA the bakers. And then they also explained that out of these budding bakers, each week the least improved will be sent home. The last remaining meanwhile was to receive a cash prize of $100,000. Jean Silber, who we are going to talk about, is one of the contestants on the show. She is a retired bookkeeper and said she is looking forward to picking up new baking tips just for the sake of her grandchildren.

Keep reading and we shall tell you more about her.

Jean Silber On Netflix’s The Big Nailed It Baking Challenge

When it was time to tell the Big Nailed It Baking Challenge audience why she is on the show, Jean Silber said it was because of her grandchildren. She said she has had a lot of them coming to ask her for something sweet after dinner. That, she said, was one of her most significant reasons for participating in the show. She just wanted to pick up a few baking skills that would not let down her grandchildren. So, Jean was more than happy to do just that and win people’s hearts. She did not mind not winning the competition even if she had plans to open up a B&B with the winnings. She is nevertheless “proud of herself” for whatever she could do.

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Jean’s efforts had fallen a bit short in the second episode, and after deliberation, the judges had sent her home.

At the beginning of the competition, Jean had come across as an eager contestant and was ready to take on the competition. She also had not taken much time to grasp the basics being taught, and the judges had congratulated her on nailing the taste of her cakes.

So, even if she was not dubbed the winner, fans thought it was wonderful to witness her enthusiasm and see her putting forward some remarkable performances.

Jean Silber Age

Because Jean R Silber was born in May 1954, she reached the age of 69 in 2023.

Jean Silber Husband

To the cameras on The Big Nailed It Baking Challenge, Jean Silber said she has been “single for decades”. So, if in case if she finds a “male suitor”, she said she would happily make him chocolate-covered strawberries all day.

When Jean’s sister passed away in 2018, her obituary had no mention of Jean’s husband.

Luckily, we know that Jean has a daughter named Tatiana Alexis. She turned 33 in September 2022 and as of lately, she had been calling Chicago, Illinois home.

Jean Silber Family

Here are a few things that we learned bout Jean’s family. Her mother is Barb Silber and her father is Edward Silber. Edward is unfortunately no more.

As for siblings, she has a brother named Thomas “Tom” E Silber who turned 55 in August 2022. Until this time around, he had been living in Highland Park, Illinois. When he was 52 a couple of years back, he was arrested around after he turned himself in at the Highland Park Police Department on a Lake County warrant stemming from a charge of criminal damage in Mundelein. Jean also grew up alongside two sisters: Elizabeth M. Mullenix and Katherine Anne Hurwitz (Silber).

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About her parents, Jean has said she is even today indebted to them for her success since they always encouraged her to do better and allowed her to chase after her dreams.

Is Jean Silber On Facebook?

Yes. Jean Silber was on Facebook as ‘Jean Silber’ as of August 2023. Here, she has posted some glimpses from her life.

Jean Silber Job

Jean Silber went to Highland Park High School in the Class of 1972. Then in 1976, she got her Theatre and Drama-Acting Specialism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Jean eventually worked in the theatre industry for quite some time and even built an excellent reputation in the field. But, by 1995, she started working in a different fried, as an office manager at Baizer Kolar P.C. That same year, she returned to school and earned a Master of Arts in Speech and Communication from Northeastern Illinois University. She graduated in 2003 and continued to work as a Bookkeeper and Office Manager until her recent retirement.

Today, she is a full-time grandmother. She has been spending all her time with her family lately.

Jean Silber Height

Jean Silber stands above 5′ 4″ in height.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Jean Silber From?

Jean Silber was born into a close-knit family in the 1950s in Madison, Wisconsin. She seemingly enjoyed a wonderful childhood also in Illinois. As of now, Jean had been residing in Highland Park, Illinois.

  • When Is Jean Silber’s Birthday?

Jean Silber’s birthday is on May 6th and that makes him a Taurus.

  • What Is Jean Silber Maiden Name?

‘Silber’ is Jean’s maiden name apparently. Unlike her sister Katherine who passed away at the age of 57 on 4 March 2018, Jean never changed her last name.

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Katherine was a student of Barret College and helped many at a woman’s call center before becoming a Judge in elections. In her obituary, she is described as a brilliant, amazing woman, whose smile was infectious and whose laughter was contagious. They also took time to praise her love of animals and her competitive nature.

Categories: Biography

Links: Jean Silber Bio, Age, Husband, Family, The Big Nailed It – Tekmonk Bio, Jean Silber Bio, Age, Husband, Family, The Big Nailed It – Kungfutv, Jean Silber Bio, Age, Husband, Family, The Big Nailed It – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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