
Jennifer Lopez feels sad for the absence of Oscar nominations for the Hustlers

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Jennifer Lopez and was disappointed when it turned out that she is not in the Oscar nomination was for her role in the Hustlers. The 50-year-old pop star and ac

Jennifer Lopez and was disappointed when it turned out that she is not in the Oscar nomination was for her role in the Hustlers. The 50-year-old pop star and actress, said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey.

“There are so many articles and great reviews -more than at any time in my career where things were like, ‘oh, she’s going to be nominated for an Oscar, it’s going to happen,” said Lopez. “After that, then it didn’t happen, did it as a bit of a pain. It was a disappointing year.”

According to Frank, she got that sad feeling, because they have a lot of confirmation from others. “I just wanted to let other people tell me that I had been delivered,” she says. “That’s when I realized that I don’t need to, because I’m doing this because I love you. I have no need for you to know that I am enough.”

the Hustlers, tells the story of a group of strippers, who, in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, to find a way to make money is to steal from the rich, the bankers, who they meet in bars and clubs. Lopez will play the role of Ramona, one of the talented people that the protagonist of Destiny (played by Constance Wu) is under its care, take it.

For this role, received the Frank may not be an Oscar-nomination, and she has received many other awards and nominations. She has among other things been nominated for a Razzie Redeemer Award, a prize for the actors, who previously had a Razzie win for their poor acting performances, but it is a new project, and have gerevancheerd.

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Date Of Update: 01 March 2020, 12:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Jennifer Lopez feels sad for the absence of Oscar nominations for the Hustlers – Tekmonk Bio, Jennifer Lopez feels sad for the absence of Oscar nominations for the Hustlers – Kungfutv, Jennifer Lopez feels sad for the absence of Oscar nominations for the Hustlers – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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