
Jeremy Clarkson Wiki, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Girlfriend, Family, Nationality & More

Jeremy Clarkson Wiki, Age, Net Worth, Biography, Girlfriend, Family, Nationality & More - networth, wiki, biography
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Jeremy Clarkson Wiki:- Jeremy Clarkson, who is also known as Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson, is an English broadcaster, game show host, journalist, and writer who specializes in motoring.

Jeremy is best known for the motoring program Top Gear (a British motoring magazine and factual television program) and The Grand Tour (British motoring TV series) alongside James May and Richard Hammond.

He also currently writes weekly columns for The Sun and The Sunday Times.

Jeremy Clarkson Age

Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson was born on 11 April 1960, his birthplace is Doncaster, United Kingdom. According to his birth date, Jeremy is 62 years old now, and his zodiac sign is Aries.

Jeremy Clarkson Family

Jeremy Charles was born in Doncaster, West Riding of Yorkshire. He is the son of Shirley Gabrielle Clarkson and Edward Grenville Clarkson.

Shirley Gabrielle was a teacher who was born in 1934 and died in 2014. Edward Grenville Clarkson was a traveling salesman, who was born in 1932 and died in 1994.  Jeremy’s parents ran a business selling tea cozies. 

Jeremy Clarkson Biography

Full NameJeremy Charles Robert Clarkson
ProfessionEnglish broadcaster, game show host, journalist, and writer
Date of Birth11 April 1960
Birth PlaceDoncaster, United Kingdom
Age62 years old
Education QualificationGraduation
Zodiac SignAries
Years Active 1988–present
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Jeremy Clarkson’s Wife, Married Life & Children

Jeremy married Alex Hall in 1989, but then she left him for one of his friends after 6 months. In May 1993, Jeremy married his manager, Frances Cain, in Fulham.

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The pair lived in Chipping Norton, in the Cotswolds, with their 3 children, their names are Emily Clarkson, Finlo Clarkson,  and Katya Clarkson.  Jeremy and Frances divorced in 2014.

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Jeremy Clarkson’s Partner

After divorcing Frances Cain in 2014, Jeremy came into a relationship with Lisa Hogan. Currently, Lisa Hogan is the partner of Jeremy since 2017.

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Jeremy Clarkson’s Height & Weight

Height1.93 m or 6 feet 4 inch
Weight190 lbs or 86 kg
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBrown

Jeremy Clarkson’s Net Worth

Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson is an English journalist, columnist, presenter, writer, and farmer by profession. As of 2022, Jeremy’s net worth is $70 million. 

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