
JEXPO, VOCLET Counseling 2023 2nd Round Seat Allotment Results Published on

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JEXPO, VOCLET 2nd round of seat allocation 2023

JEXPO, VOCLET counseling 2023: The results of the 2nd phase of seat allocation of the Joint Polytechnic Entrance Examination (JEXPO) and the Vocational Lateral Entrance Examination (VOCLET) have been released. Candidates who have appeared for these exams can check the results on the official site: by entering their login details.

After the results of JEXPO, VOCLET Counseling 2023 are out, the validation and completion of admissions must be done from 25th to 29th August 2023. Competent authorities will conduct the third and spot round after the completion of phase 2.

JEXPO, VOCLET 2nd round of seat allocation 2023

Click here

Schedule of JEXPO, VOCLET consultancy in 2023

Check out the Round 2 and Round 3 must-see events below:



Second round

The result of the distribution of places in the 2nd round

August 24, 2023

Validation and completion of reception

From August 25 to 29, 2023

Third round

The result of the distribution of places in the 3rd round

August 30, 2023

Validation and completion of reception

August 31 to September 4, 2023

Publication of the list of vacancies for the Institute

September 5, 2023

How to Check JEXPO, VOLCET Seat Allotment Result 2023?

Follow the instructions below to check your results:

Step 1: Visit the official website:

Step 2: Click on the JEXPO / VOCLET – 2023 Phase 2 Allotment Result link available on the home page

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Step 3: Now send registered no. and password

Step 4: JEXPO, VOLCET Seat Allotment Result 2023 will appear on the screen

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Step 5: Check and Download the Result Sheet

Step 6: Take a printout for future reference

Documents required for JEXPO, VOCLET consultation 2023

See the list of required files below:

  • Class 10 ticket
  • Grade 10 Mark Sheet
  • JEXPO or VOCLET 2023 ticket
  • Temporary confirmation of receipt of the letter on the allocation of money
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable)
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Links: JEXPO, VOCLET Counseling 2023 2nd Round Seat Allotment Results Published on – Tekmonk Bio, JEXPO, VOCLET Counseling 2023 2nd Round Seat Allotment Results Published on – Kungfutv, JEXPO, VOCLET Counseling 2023 2nd Round Seat Allotment Results Published on – Blogtomoney

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