
Jim Bakkum is playing a journalist in the new romantic comedy 'Casanova's

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Jim Bakkum is going to play a leading role in It, a new romantic comedy that was directed by Jamel Aattache Heavy fall in Love with!). The actor, who is current

Jim Bakkum is going to play a leading role in It, a new romantic comedy that was directed by Jamel Aattache Heavy fall in Love with!). The actor, who is currently starring in the Boys of 2 and plays in the new film, an insecure journalist who is undercover investigating a mysterious and cried.

Bakkum looks forward to his new camera, he said it in a comment. “After all my previous roles, give this role to me the chance to see a different side of myself as an actor. Bass is a guy that does a lot of self-esteem and is very insecure in love. Is not it, then.”

The pictures of It’s launch next summer. The rest of the cast will be announced soon.

The film will be available as from the 8th of October 2020 and to rotate it in the movie theater, says the distributor, Just to Film on Monday.

Video . Jim Bakkum: “I’m done with ease in my clothes’

Date Of Update: 24 February 2020, 11:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Jim Bakkum is playing a journalist in the new romantic comedy 'Casanova's – Tekmonk Bio, Jim Bakkum is playing a journalist in the new romantic comedy 'Casanova's – Kungfutv, Jim Bakkum is playing a journalist in the new romantic comedy 'Casanova's – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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