
Jimmy Riffle Now, Wife, Net Worth, The Gator Boys

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Where is The Gator Boys’ Jimmy Riffle now? Who is his wife? Is he still with Sara Barber? Why did Jimmy leave Gator Boys? These are some of the questions fans have been pondering since Jimmy’s exit from the show in 2017.

Read all that we know about Jimmy in this article below.

What Is Jimmy Riffle Doing Now?

In April 2023, Jimmy Riffle was with videographer Corey Besteder in Orlando, Florida visiting an animal park. He hasn’t stopped working with animals.

Jimmy is running Scales Tails And Teeth that he co-owns with Sara Barber. Scales Tails and Teeth was started by Jimmy in the hopes that he could share his love and appreciation of wildlife with people (children and adults) all over the country. The organization provides guided tours, animal interactions, private parties, school field trips, summer camp field trips, and several other services. The park has reptiles, exotic mammals, farm animals, and birds.

Jimmy started his career volunteering/working with animals at The Native Village in Hollywood, FL. From the age of 11, he was trained by Mike “Skeet” Johns to respect and appreciate all wildlife. He later went on to star in Animal Planet’s hit tv show Gator Boys.

Jimmy still travels and educates the public, but he was able to fulfill a lifelong dream to open a small-scale educational animal park in Marion County, Florida.

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Why Did Jimmy Riffle Leave The Gator Boys?

The 2012 series Gator Boys is set in Florida and aired on Animal Planet. Alligator catching is something that the cast members of this specific show are professionals at, and they travel the state doing it. The process is far from easy, and it frequently comes with unpleasant surprises.

Jimmy was a prominent figure for the show however he left the team in 2017. He cited the reason for leaving the show as exhaustion and burnout. And the rest of the team is also doing their own things.

Are Jimmy Riffle And Sara Barber Married?

No, Jimmy Riffle and his co-star Sara Barber are not married. The couple reportedly got engaged in March 2018 after Jimmy proposed to Sara during their Belize trip. They dated for more than five years before they got engaged and were reportedly associated with each other since 2011.

However, they broke off their engagement now in 2023.

Sara started her career by volunteering at the Native Village in Hollywood, Florida, at the young age of 10. Working here under many people, she furthered her knowledge and worked with a variety of native and exotic animals.

Sara then went on from there into the restaurant industry where she further honed in on her people and social skills which ultimately helped with her career in the animal world by giving her the necessary tools to educate the public. She then reconnected with Jimmy years later and joined the crew Gator Boys which aired on Animal Planet.

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This is what she has been doing since and jointly operates Scales Tails and Teeth.

Jimmy Riffle Wife

Jimmy Riffle doesn’t have a wife but he has moved into a new relationship now. He is now in a relationship with Heather Daly since January 2023. Fans of Gator Boys got the big news on Jimmy’s recent 38th birthday in August 2023 when he flaunted his new girlfriend.

Jimmy captioned the post, “I want to thank @heatherdaly3 for such an amazing 38th bday. We took a mini vaca to the east coast and had an amazing time. #staugustinefl was a blast! Cheers to a great time and to many more!!!!!! #fun #happycouple #vacation #bdayfun #staugustinebeach #fort #scalestailsandteeth #loveus #happy #goodtimes #tomanymore.”

Heather hails from the hometown of Jimmy, i.e. Plantation, Florida. She is 37 years old now. You can find her on Instagram and Facebook.

Jimmy Riffle Age

Jimmy Riffle, recently in August 2023, turned 38. His birthday was on 14 August.

How Much Is Jimmy Riffle Net Worth?

In 2023, Jimmy Riffle has a net worth of above $700 thousand.

Jimmy Riffle Injury

Gator Boys’ Jimmy was 18 when he had the worst alligator-related injury. A 9-foot-long alligator bit him in his right thumb and didn’t let go for almost 8 minutes. His right thumb would’ve ripped off if his mentor Mike “Skeet” Johns hadn’t jumped in for the rescue.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Jimmy Riffle From?

Jimmy is a native of Florida. He calls Plantation, Florida his hometown and now lives in Ocala.

  • Is Jimmy Riffle On Instagram And Facebook?

Yes, Jimmy is available on Instagram (@jimmyriffle & @scalestailsandteeth) and Facebook (@jimmy.riffle.3).

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Categories: Biography

Links: Jimmy Riffle Now, Wife, Net Worth, The Gator Boys – Tekmonk Bio, Jimmy Riffle Now, Wife, Net Worth, The Gator Boys – Kungfutv, Jimmy Riffle Now, Wife, Net Worth, The Gator Boys – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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