
JNU PG Admission 2023 First Merit List Out, Get Direct Link Here

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JNU PG Admission First Merit List

JNU PG Admission 2023: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has released the JNU PH first merit list on the official website today, August 18, 2023. Candidates can check the merit list through the link available on the admission portal. To check the first merit list result, candidates are required to visit the official website and login using the application number and password.

Candidates can check the JNU PG first merit list through the link available on the official website – Candidates can also click on the link given here to check the first allotment result. 

JNU PG First Merit List M.Tech/M.Ph/PG Diploma – Click Here

JNU PG First Merit List MA/M.Sc/MCA – Click Here

Steps to Check JNU PG Merit List

JNU will announce the PG merit list online on its admission portal. Candidates who have applied for the admission can follow the steps given below to check the first merit list.

Step 1: Visit the official website of JNU

Step 2: Click on the JNU admission portal

Step 3: The JNU PG merit list will be displayed

Step 4: Download the merit list for further reference.

As per the revised admission schedule, the pre-enrolment registration and payment after the first merit list has to be completed by August 21, 2023. JNU will be announcing the second merit list on August 25, 2023. Candidates who have applied for the JNU admissions can check the schedule and related details here. 

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