
JNU PG Admission 2023 Second Merit List Tomorrow, Check Round 2 Admission Schedule Here

JNU PG Admission 2023 Second Merit List Tomorrow, Check Round 2 Admission Schedule Here - networth, wiki, biography
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JNU 2nd merit list on August 25

JNU 2nd Merit List 2023: Jawaharlal Nehru University will be releasing the JNU PG 2023 second merit list tomorrow August 25, 2023. According to the schedule available on the official website, the publication of the second merit list and supernumerary seat for admissions will be available on August 25, 2023. Candidates who have applied for admission to the postgraduate programmes can check the merit list on the admission portal of JNU. 

The second merit list will be published on the official website of JNU. To check the merit list, candidates are required to visit the website and log in using the application number and password. As per the schedule, the pre-enrolment registration and payment of fees with blocking of seats under the second merit list and supernumerary seats are to be conducted between August 25 and 28, 2023. 

JNU PG second merit list will be available on the official website – Candidates will also be able to check the JNU PG second merit list through the direct link which will be given on this page as soon as the result is announced.

JNU PG Admission 2023 Second Merit List Schedule



Round 2 allotment result

August 25, 2023

Pre-enrolment registration and payment of fee with blocking of seats of second list (tentative) and supernumerary seat

August 25 to 28, 2023

Physical verification of admission/registration of selected candidates: 

(i) For M.A. programme in Foreign Languages only

(ii) For remaining programmes 

 September 1, 2023

September 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 2023 

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After the JNU second merit list is released, candidates eligible for admissions can report with the required documents and complete the admission process. Students are required to submit all the original documents and also carry with then copies of the same. 

Also Read: Rajasthan NEET UG round 2 merit list, seat matrix releases at, get download link here

Register for Result Updates

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Links: JNU PG Admission 2023 Second Merit List Tomorrow, Check Round 2 Admission Schedule Here – Tekmonk Bio, JNU PG Admission 2023 Second Merit List Tomorrow, Check Round 2 Admission Schedule Here – Kungfutv, JNU PG Admission 2023 Second Merit List Tomorrow, Check Round 2 Admission Schedule Here – Blogtomoney

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