
John Halliday Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Emma?

John Halliday Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Emma? - networth, wiki, biography
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Netflix’s Down for Love is the first-ever reality TV series that spotlights the relationships of people with disabilities. This dating show centers around hopeful singles with Down syndrome as they look for love in New Zealand. Each core member of the show has Down syndrome. John Halliday, who we are going to talk about now is one of them.

John Halliday On Netflix’s Down For Love

John Halliday had been looking for love for many years before being featured on Down For Love.

So, before going on dates, John was made to meet Dave Hicks, a relationship educator, who gave him the former tips on interacting with his partner. Dave also suggested that he present the ring in his pocket as a friendship ring instead of an engagement one. And so John met Emma. He looked pretty excited to meet her at the Auckland Art Gallery in Auckland, New Zealand. Together, they actually enjoyed the beautiful arts and discovered so much about each other’s passion for art. While there, John also gave Emma the afore-talked about “friendship ring”, which she gladly took.

To viewers, John was introduced as someone who does not let his disability stop him from living his life to the fullest. Also, as someone who loves adventure and even participated in the Special Olympics for snowboarding.

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As per a recent news article, Oamaru police constable Stew Hewett is head of the delegation for the New Zealand team competing in the Special Olympics World Winter Games in Boise, Idaho, in February 2024. And in his team, there is also John, in his role as a snowboarder, and skiers Thomas van der Lugt and Aaron Wild.

This team from New Zealand team will assemble in Auckland on 29 January before flying to the United States the following day.

Are John Halliday And Emma From Down For Love Still Together?

As of writing, John Halliday and Emma were yet to give an update about the status of their relationship. So, it was not understood if or not they are still together.

Both of them do not seem very active on social media. So, it is maybe natural for them to keep their affair not out and about as the others. In the meantime, fans anyway seemed optimistic that the two might still be with each other, given their mutual affection and shared interests. They seemed to bond quite well just over their alikeness as artists.

One thing that might have caused a problem though for John and Emma, might be the long distance between their homes, Alexandra and Auckland, which are two different sides of New Zealand.

John Halliday Age

When John Halliday appeared on Down For Love, he had reached the age of 38.

John Halliday Job

So, during the introduction round on Down For Love, they introduced John Halliday as a snowboarder and mountain biker.

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While John himself on his Facebook mentioned being a personal assistant at a community support service/facility in Alexandra called Central Otago Living Options. Before that, he also went to Roxburgh area school.

John also loves to play guitar. He did not seem to be doing it professionally though.

John Halliday Height

John Halliday stands around 5’4” in height.

Is John Halliday On Instagram?

John Halliday was not on Instagram as of 13 August 2023. However, one could look him up on ‘John Halliday’ Facebook. In March 2019, he made this new account on Facebook, after the other one blocked him from getting in. He was asking people to add him to the new one and delete the other one.

John Halliday Family

Here are also a rare few things that we came to know about John’ss family.

His mother is Mary Halliday. Per Facebook, she has been working as a forklift operator at Distribution for Ryonet Silk Screening Supplies. In the past, she also worked at Ingams and Schweppes. She originally hails from Kawakawa, New Zealand where she also Bay of Islands College. As of 2023 though, she had been residing in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.

Mary loves John one can tell. She keeps on writing about him on social media. One time, for instance, she gushed: “Always trying new things. Keep dreaming Son, dreams turn to plans, plans turn to life, and then have more dreams. Proud and humbled Mum.” She has talked about John making her so proud of all he has achieved.

Speaking of siblings, John has two of them. Both are brothers and one of them is Willie George of Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. About them collectively, their mother Mary once wrote on FB: “To these three guys who l have watched over and love. I wish you all the very best in life. .love and luck. I am so proud of you three.”

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Further, in his family, John also has an uncle named Dave Halliday who married Jemma Halliday sometime in 2020.

Related FAQs

  • When is John Halliday’s Birthday?

John Halliday’s birthday is on May 21st and that makes him a Gemini.

  • Where Is John Halliday From?

John Halliday was born and brought up in Whangarei, a city in the Northland region of New Zealand’s North Island.

As of now though, he had been residing in Alexandra, New Zealand.

Categories: Biography

Links: John Halliday Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Emma? – Tekmonk Bio, John Halliday Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Emma? – Kungfutv, John Halliday Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Emma? – Blogtomoney

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