
‘Justice for Dosa’: Man’s sweet twist to paper dosa gets the Internet talking

‘Justice for Dosa’: Man’s sweet twist to paper dosa gets the Internet talking - networth, wiki, biography
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Move over traditional dosa fillings; there’s a new recipe in town. In a video that is going viral online, a man can be seen adding chocolate and ice cream as fillings to dosa, leaving netizens divided on whether it’s a culinary hit or miss. Would you be brave enough to explore this unique dosa recipe?

A street vendor adds unique fillings to dosa, including chocolate syrup and a scoop of ice cream.(Instagram/@mumbaikarfoodie__)

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The video opens to show a man sprinkling water on a hot pan and wiping it off before spreading the dosa batter in a circular motion. What happens next has sparked a flurry of reactions from viewers – he smears chocolate syrup over the dosa. Next, he rolls it into a cone, adds a scoop of ice cream, drizzles more chocolate syrup, and sprinkles some shredded chocolate pieces.

Watch the video of the man making this fusion dish here:

Since being shared on June 9, the video has collected over 5.6 million views, and the numbers are still increasing. Many even took to the comments section of this video to express their thoughts.

Here’s how people reacted to this video:

An Instagram user posted, “I as a senior officer declare this a full-fledged murder of ‘Dosa’.”

“If they don’t call it dosa then it’s totally fine, I see nothing wrong with this dessert, it’s basically an ice cream,” commented another.

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A third expressed, “Actually it tastes good. It tastes like waffles. I’m living in South India and one of my friends and I did this before in a restaurant with paper dosa.”

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“I’m a South Indian and I demand justice for dosa,” shared a fourth.

A fifth wrote, “Justice for ice cream and chocolate.”

What are your thoughts on this fusion food? Would you like to try it?

Categories: Trending

Links: ‘Justice for Dosa’: Man’s sweet twist to paper dosa gets the Internet talking – Tekmonk Bio, ‘Justice for Dosa’: Man’s sweet twist to paper dosa gets the Internet talking – Kungfutv, ‘Justice for Dosa’: Man’s sweet twist to paper dosa gets the Internet talking – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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