
Justin Stamper Bio, Net Worth, Wife, Trump, Illness

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A&E TV’s new show Zombie House Flipping premiered on Dec 4, 2021, and it featured three stars including Justin Stamper, who made a name for themselves flipping rotting and abandoned properties into beautifully remade homes.

This Justin Stamper Bio explores everything you need to know about this talented zombie house flipper. 

Justin Stamper On Zombie House Flipping

Zombie House Flipping is all about the three friends Justin Stamper, Ashlee Casserly, and Keith Ori, bringing the dead houses back to life in Orlando, Florida. 

The hour-long episodes featured the inner workings of this high-stakes world, full of unexpected disasters, hidden costs, and quirky personalities that were only found in Florida.

Keep watching Zombie House Flipping if you love mad scrambles and the hassles of flipping homes.

Did you know: Zombie House Flipping was canceled in 2017.

Is Justin Stamper Married To Ashlee Casserly?

No, Justin Stamper isn’t married to his co-star Ashlee Casserly. Also, he’s not the father of Ashlee’s two children.

Reportedly, Ashlee’s baby-daddy is a man named Greg who was often featured over her IG.

Justin Stamper Wife

Justin Stamper didn’t seem to have a wife as of 2021. He broke up with his last girlfriend before March 2017, and also went on to joke about it over his Twitter then. He wrote, “I haven’t had this much weight in the Acura since my last girlfriend.”

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Meanwhile, the only love we saw oozing from him was for his dog named Marley who was heavily featured over his IG. He said Marley was Orlando’s most “doggo-certified furry-friendliest real estate agent. “If you are looking to buy or sell a home, make sure you let her sniff out a few deals for you,” he joked.

Marley was 8 years of age (in 2021), and she loved “playing fetch and soccer in the park, chasing squirrels, swimming, wishing someone would give her food, running laps around the house for no reason, eating sticks, and truck rides in Lil’ Red.”

How Much Is Justin Stamper Net Worth?

Justin Stamper flaunted a net worth of above $3 million by 2021.

This zombie house flipper has been in the real estate business for over a decade. His first recorded job was as an investor at JGS Capital LLC in Jan 2008. Then in Jun 2012, he started working for Invest Home Direct. Also, the same year he went on to open his company Brown Dog Home Buyers, LLC.

Later, he then teamed up with Ashlee Casserly to open a boutique brokerage, Blueprint Real Estate Group in the Antique District of Orlando. The company claimed that it was based on the principles of personalized service, savvy marketing, and also expert representations. 

Initially, Justin started the flipping business at 19, after flipping his family’s foreclosed home. Then he started buying houses at the courthouse steps auction and worked his way up to become a full-time house flipper and wholesaler in Central Florida.

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If he wasn’t into the real estate business, Justin shared that he would be a tattoo artist who traveled around the world.

Talking about how he balanced his personal and professional life, Justin revealed that his two lives were just blurred into just “life”. He loved what he did — helping, motivating, and seeing the people win.

Is Justin Stamper A Trump Supporter?

No, Justin Stamper isn’t a trump supporter at all. His tweets were all opposed to Trump, and it might even be safe to say he didn’t like him.

“Donald Trump is Still Gross2016 #TrumpInauguration,” he tweeted in Jan 2017.

Also, Justin was once allegedly wearing the anti-Trump hat over his show. To which a few of his fans vocalized their dismay sharing that he mixed politics in the entertainment show.

What Illness Does Justin Stamper Have?

There were no medical records of Justin Stamper’s illness that were publicly shared before 2021.

At his best, he liked drinking fine whiskey, brewing craft beer, cooking for his family and friends, chatting with strangers, and listening to loud music.

Related FAQs

  • How Old Is Justin Stamper?

Justin Stamper was 32 years of age in 2021.

Also, he celebrates his birthday on May 18 and is of the Taurus zodiac.

  • Who Are Justin Stamper’s Family Members?

Justin Stamper comes from a family of four. His parents are Johnny and Leeanne Stamper, and he has a sister (whose name wasn’t revealed.)

His dad, Johnny is the owner of Johnny’s Taphouse Grill in Tarpon Ave, Tarpon Springs FL. What’s more, he started home brewing beer in the ’80s, and opened his first craft beer bar in 1994, with 9 taps. Since then, he never looked back.

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Also, Johnny celebrates his birthday on February 18.

Unfortunately, Justin’s grandfather (who was in the US Navy) passed away in 2019.

  • How Tall Is Justin Stamper?

Justin stands tall at a height of 5 feet 11 inches (180 cm).

  • Is Justin Stamper On Facebook, Instagram?

Yes, find him on Facebook @justin.stamper.98499, and Instagram @fliporlando.

Also, here’s his Twitter @justinstamper.


Categories: Biography

Links: Justin Stamper Bio, Net Worth, Wife, Trump, Illness – Tekmonk Bio, Justin Stamper Bio, Net Worth, Wife, Trump, Illness – Kungfutv, Justin Stamper Bio, Net Worth, Wife, Trump, Illness – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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