
Karnataka PGCET 2023 application deadline extended, apply for MBA, MTech and other programmes here

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Karnataka PGCET 2023 application deadline extended

Karnataka PGCET 2023: The Karnataka Examinations Authority (KEA) has extended the deadline to apply for Karnataka Postgraduate Common Entrance Test (PGCET). Candidates can fill up the application form of Karnataka PGCET online till August 20, 2023. Those who have not registered can apply through the official website at or

The official notice states, “For admission to MBA/MCA/M.E/M.Tech/M.Arch courses last date is extended up to 20-8-2023-11.59pm to register for PGCET-2023.” The Karnataka PGCET 2023 is conducted for admission to part-time and full-time MBA, MCA, ME, MTech and MArch programmes in affiliated institutes. 

Karnataka PGCET Application Form 2023 – Direct Link (Available Now) 

KEA PGCET 2023 Dates 

To be eligible for Karnataka PGCET, a candidate must have cleared the undergraduate programme in the respective subject. They can check below the step to know PGCET application date 2023 Karnataka and other important dates: 



Last date to apply for PGCET 

August 20, 2023

Karnataka PGCET 

September 9 and 10, 2023

How to apply for KEA Karnataka PGCET 2023? 

The Karnataka PGCET 2023 application process includes filling in the basic details including name, educational qualification, address and other required details and submitting the KEA PGCET registration form 2023. Check the steps to know how to apply: 

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Step 1: Go to the official website:

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See also  ,

Step 2: On the homepage, click on the link for PGCET 2023 application form

Step 3: Register and proceed with the application

Step 4: Fill out the application form and pay the fee

Step 5: Submit and take printouts for future reference.

Karnataka PGCET Application Fees 2023 

Candidates are also required to pay the application fee to successfully submit the form. For general and OBC applicants, each course’s application cost is Rs.650. For those who fall under the SC/ST Category in Karnataka, the application fee is Rs.500.

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Karnataka PGCET 2023

Karnataka Postgraduate Common Entrance Test (PGCET) will be held on September 9 and 10, 2023. The test will be conducted for a total of 100 marks. The Karnataka PGCET 2023 question pattern and allotment of marks will differ on the basis of programmes opted for and disciplines chosen by the candidates.





September 9, 2023

ME, MTech, MArch

2:30 to 4:30 pm


September 10, 2023


10:30 am to 12:30 pm



2:30 to 4:30 pm


Also Read: Karnataka NEET UG Counselling 2023: Post Seat Allotment Schedule Released; Check Dates Here

Register for Result Updates

Categories: Trends

Links: Karnataka PGCET 2023 application deadline extended, apply for MBA, MTech and other programmes here – Tekmonk Bio, Karnataka PGCET 2023 application deadline extended, apply for MBA, MTech and other programmes here – Kungfutv, Karnataka PGCET 2023 application deadline extended, apply for MBA, MTech and other programmes here – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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