
KCET Counselling 2023: Document Verification of Non-Verified Candidates on August 29, Check Details Here

KCET Counselling 2023: Document Verification of Non-Verified Candidates on August 29, Check Details Here - networth, wiki, biography
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KCET 2023 doucment verification for non-verified canddiates

KCET 2023 Document Verification: Karnataka Examination Authority has issued a notification for candidates who do not have verified documents. Those who failed to get their documents verified for the admission process have been given a final chance to complete the document verification. Students yet to verify their documents are required to report to the verification centre on August 29, 2023, with all documents. 

Candidates reporting for the document verification must carry with them all the essential documents, photocopies of the original, and report to the centre between 10 am to 2 pm to complete the verification. It must be noted that those in possession of the verification slip need not get the verification done again. 

KCET Document Verification  Notification – Click Here

KCET 2023 Documents for Verification

Candidates are required to complete the document verification process in order to be considered for admission. Those eligible to participate in the allotment need to carry the below-given list of documents for verification. 

  • KCET admission fee payment receipt  
  • KCET application form 2023
  • KCET 2023 admit card  
  • Class 10th marksheet 
  • Class 12th marksheet 
  • Passport size photograph 
  • Study Certificate  
  • Income certificate 

It must be noted that candidates participating in the document verification will be allotted seats from those vacant after the admission process. Students are required to report at Karnataka Examinations Authority, Sampige Road, 18th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore – 560012. 

Also Read: IOQM 2023 Admit Card Released at; Get Direct Link Here

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Links: KCET Counselling 2023: Document Verification of Non-Verified Candidates on August 29, Check Details Here – Tekmonk Bio, KCET Counselling 2023: Document Verification of Non-Verified Candidates on August 29, Check Details Here – Kungfutv, KCET Counselling 2023: Document Verification of Non-Verified Candidates on August 29, Check Details Here – Blogtomoney

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