
KEAM 2nd Allotment Result 2023 for MBBS, BDS editions at, 5456 candidates selected

KEAM 2nd Allotment Result 2023 for MBBS, BDS editions at, 5456 candidates selected - networth, wiki, biography
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KEAM 2nd Allotment Result 2023 for MBBS, BDS Editions

KEAM Allotment Result 2023: The Commissioner of Entrance Examinations (CEE), Kerala has today declared the Kerala Engineering Architecture Medical (KEAM) second phase allotment results. According to KEAM 2nd allotment list, a total of 5456 candidates got MBBS, BDS seats in various government medical and dental colleges.

They can check and download KEAM second stage allotment in pdf format at Candidates who have been allotted seat from 1st to 4th September 2023 can apply or join.State quota seat allotment consists of four rounds of counseling – 1st round, 2nd round, clearance round and stray vacancy round. .

KEAM 2nd Phase Allotment Result 2023 – Direct Link (Available Now)

How to check KEAM 2nd seat allotment result 2023?

Candidates who have self-registered for the admission round can check the seat allotment results through the official website of KEAM at They can follow the steps to check the allotment status and download the allotment letter:

Step 1: Go to the official website:

Step 2: Click on the KEAM 2023 – candidate portal link on the home page

Step 3: On the left side, select the allocation list option

Step 4: KEAM Second Phase Allotment List for MBBS, BDS will appear on the screen

Step 5: Find the name or roll number to check which college and course is allotted

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Step 6: Download Kerala KEAM Allotment Result for future use

Latest rank awarded in Kerala KEAM Round 2

In the second KEAM Result 2023, the latest rank for MBBS admission was 39,768 offered by Government Medical College, Thrissur. The last NEET UG rank at which KEAM BDS admission was granted was 40,402. 15% seats are reserved for NEET UG rank holders.

KEAM Mop-Up Round 2023

Kerala CEE will activate the registration window for KEAM mop-up round. Candidates who were allotted or admitted to MBBS, BDS course through 1st and 2nd round but left it within the stipulated time notified by the CEE. Those who did not apply for any option or were not allotted any seat in the previous rounds will be able to apply and pay registration fees.

Also Read: KCET 2nd Round Counseling 2023 Dates Expected Soon; Check the tentative schedule here

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Categories: Trends

Links: KEAM 2nd Allotment Result 2023 for MBBS, BDS editions at, 5456 candidates selected – Tekmonk Bio, KEAM 2nd Allotment Result 2023 for MBBS, BDS editions at, 5456 candidates selected – Kungfutv, KEAM 2nd Allotment Result 2023 for MBBS, BDS editions at, 5456 candidates selected – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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