
Kecia Clarke Wiki, Addicted To Marriage, Ex-Husbands

Kecia Clarke Wiki, Addicted To Marriage, Ex-Husbands - networth, wiki, biography
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The TLC network, which is known for introducing innovative shows, brings another new show, Addicted to Marriage. And this time, the plot would be four ladies sharing their experiences of former marriages, as they also deal with issues of insecurity, commitment, and trust in their current relationships. They are going to tell the audience, why despite all bitter experiences they want their now-partner to say “yes”.

Now, in the rest of the writing, get to know one of its contestants Kecia Clarke.

This Kecia Clarke Wiki mostly covers her Addicted To Marriage journey and past relationship-related stories.

Kecia Clarke On Addicted To Marriage

Excited Kecia Clarke took to her Instagram to promote her upcoming Addicted To Marriage journey, letting her people know that the season is premiering on 16 November 2021.

In Addicted to Marriage, she will be seen convincing her fiancé Ernst to not just get married but to do so in a lavish and spectacular wedding.

Managing to get a big “Yes” from initially not-totally-on-board Ernst is all Kecia’s role on the show is going to be.

Ernst is unwilling to the plan because he does not like the idea of spending a lot of money on a wedding. Meanwhile, Kecia is adamant that she wants it to be unforgettable. Will she be able to get his consent? Stay tuned and we shall share it with you.

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Who Are Kecia Clarke’s Ex-Husbands?

So, Kecia Clarke married for the third time and still failed to find her happily ever after.

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She never really cared to talk about her ex-husbands but has certainly given cues that none of the marriages worked well for her.

Done and dusted even from her last marriage, Kecia is now divorced and happily engaged to her fiancé.

Now she believes she has all the tips and tricks to share with women who once like her have been tired of dating all the wrong men. She has special pointers for someone who deem dating after a divorce can be difficult and scary sick, someone who is ready to bring in real love, ready to stop settling, or is tired of dating apps and websites that hook one up with the wrong kind of man.

And when she is not sharing all these guidelines, Kecia is busy going places and building an empire with Ernst, her best friend/lover/fiancé.

Late in June 2020, Ernst had asked her to marry him with a dazzling diamond ring and Kecia (of course) had said “Yes”.

Ernst, also n entrepreneur, has been the CEO at Tessuto Menswear in Somerville, New Jersey for more than a decade. Other than that, he believes he is all about love, family, fitness, fashion, and travel. He has two grown-up-looking sons, Ash Michel and Jordon Michel, from his previous relationships.

Kecia Clarke Age

Born on 17 September 1980, Kecia Clarke reached the age of 41 in 2021. Her zodiac sign is Virgo.

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Kecia Clarke Job

Professionally, Kecia Clarke introduces herself as a lawyer, TV host, executive producer, interior decorator, and author.

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Is Kecia Clarke On Instagram?

Yes. You may find Kecia Clarke on Instagram among other social media sites.

Until 13 November 2013, Kecia had 930 posts and 13.1K followers on her Instagram @keciaclarke.

Also, around 10, 943 people followed her on her Facebook @Keciaclarkelifecoach.

Kecia also has been using Twitter @keciaclarke and Pinterest @keciaclarke and shared several videos on her ‘Kecia Clarke’ YouTube channel.

Related FAQs

  • Where Is Kecia Clarke From?

Kecia Clarke comes from West Orange in New Jersey. Following the divorce, she relocated to her favorite part of New Jersey, i.e, Montville, to live her lifestyle dream with her three kids and her lovely pooch, Lilly.

One of her daughters turned 19 on 11 November 2021. And some of her followers on Instagram had been wondering if her young man Cameron is adopted.

  • Who Are Kecia Clarke Family Members?

Kecia Clarke is very close to each member of her family. Together, she says, they have some pretty good memories and stories to talk about after each holiday gathering.

Her mom is Sharon Wade-spearman. Like a mother-like daughter, Sharon has also been a judge and attorney all her life. Although she is now retired.

Sharon is also as fond of her son and Kecia’s brother. Referring to him as “Man Child Shawn” in one of her Facebook posts, the matriarch wrote: “He is not engaged in any form of social media and he says I shouldn’t either, but I do it anyway for him today!!❤️💕😎 Happy National Son’s day to my SunShine!!💕❤️❤️😎”

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Meanwhile, Kecia does not have a sister of her own but mentioned Lisa Monique “as the sister you never had”.

  • How Tall Is Kecia Clarke?

Kecia in her hot-shot physique and personality stands below 5 feet and 8′ inches in height.

  • How Much Is Kecia Clarke Net Worth?

Kecia Clarke had above an estimated $600K net worth until November 2021.

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As the successful author of six inspiring books, Kecia helps women transform attitude, income & influence through the power of self-love.

Also, through the power of digital marketing, Kecia equips businesswomen and go-getters to fall in love with themselves.

The Seton Hall University School of Law alum has been featured sharing her philosophy in life and business in the likes of CNN, Fox News, and OK!.

Categories: Biography

Links: Kecia Clarke Wiki, Addicted To Marriage, Ex-Husbands – Tekmonk Bio, Kecia Clarke Wiki, Addicted To Marriage, Ex-Husbands – Kungfutv, Kecia Clarke Wiki, Addicted To Marriage, Ex-Husbands – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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