
King Charles ‘will hold urgent meeting with Princess Kate and Prince William to decide future of monarchy’

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KING CHARLES will reportedly hold an urgent meeting with Princess Kate and Prince William to decide the future of the monarchy.

Charles wants to use William and Kate’s “star quality” to unite the Commonwealth, the Mirror reports.


King Charles has summoned William and Kate to BalmoralCredit: GettyKing Charles ‘will hold urgent meeting with Princess Kate and Prince William to decide future of monarchy’ 1King Charles ‘will hold urgent meeting with Princess Kate and Prince William to decide future of monarchy’ 2


He reportedly wants to use the couple’s ‘star quality’Credit: Getty

He has reportedly summoned the couple to Balmoral, where he will arrive on Monday.

A source told the Mirror: “He sees it as his utmost duty to fulfil the sincere wish of his late mother.

“One of his central roles must be to ensure not only the survival but the robustness of the Commonwealth.”

The insider added that Charles wants William and Kate to be “at the heart of cementing their own future and that of the monarchy at large”.

Charles will reportedly brief William and Kate about his expectations of them at the Balmoral summit.

The Mirror reports that Charles will lay out his goals for foreign trips and engagements.

He reportedly plans to visit Canada and Australia next year to “offer a hand of friendship”.

It comes after England fans begged Prince Harry to attend the Women’s World Cup final this weekend after William snubbed the Lionesses.

The Prince of Wales is to miss the match in Sydney, Australia, despite it being the Lionesses’ first appearance in the final.

Kensington Palace confirmed Prince William, who is president of the FA, would be cheering on the Lionesses from home.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: King Charles ‘will hold urgent meeting with Princess Kate and Prince William to decide future of monarchy’ – Tekmonk Bio, King Charles ‘will hold urgent meeting with Princess Kate and Prince William to decide future of monarchy’ – Kungfutv, King Charles ‘will hold urgent meeting with Princess Kate and Prince William to decide future of monarchy’ – Blogtomoney

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