
Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs

Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs - networth, wiki, biography
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Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs

Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs – The LA-based, frequently-invited lead guitarist for NBC’s The Voice, Laura Wilde, has performed at over 150 concerts around the US and UK and has won the hearts of her audience. The ten face-melting rock ‘n’ roll and glam punk compositions on “Charmed + Dangerous” echo the limitless fervour of her debut album, “Sold My Soul.”

Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs

This album, which Laura wrote, played, and produced all by herself, is a more mature offering and undoubtedly a labour of love where she could enjoy her experienced skills.

“Wilde writes the kind of songs that dig deep down into the essence of what makes rock ‘n’ roll so timeless. Her music is bred of the pure mono maniacal aesthetic that fueled all the greats from Chuck Berry on.” – Blabbermouth

“…It’s her rip-your-head off, fully-fledged guitar assault that’ll really get your attention. No gimmicks, no backing down…fierce guitar riffs, searingly unapologetic lyrics and a driving back line. Oh yeah. Remember when rock was rockin’? Now you know what I’m talking about. ” – Guitar World

They won’t be dissatisfied if they’re expecting Laura’s signature delectable riffs, howling bends, and heartbreaking solos.

“Rock is dead as far as mainstream masses are concerned, but I just don’t care. I love it and so do a ton of other rock ‘n’ rollers. During lockdown, I did a lot of soul searching, and these tracks represent where my heart is musically. I really enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with some amazing writers and explore different genres, but I wanted to go back to where it all began and open the decade with an unapologetic rock album.” – Laura Wilde

When the venues can begin to reopen, plans are being made for a nationwide US tour.

Laura Wilde Bio

Stage NameLaura Wilde
Real NameLaura Wilde
BirthdayJanuary 1, 1990
Zodiac SignCapricorn
Age33 years
BirthplaceMelbourne, Australia
HometownMelbourne, Melbourne, Australia
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Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs

Categories: Biography

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Links: Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs – Tekmonk Bio, Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs – Kungfutv, Laura Wilde Wiki, Wikipedia, Wohnort, Guitarist, Songs – Blogtomoney

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