
Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’

Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ - networth, wiki, biography
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LAURA WOODS’ outfit for England’s World Cup final against Spain has left fans stunned with her followers on Twitter labelling her “gorgeous”.

Woods has been a regular on fans’ screens throughout the tournament as ITV’s lead presenter.


Laura Woods leads today’s coverage alongside Eni Aluko and Karen CarneyCredit: ITVLaura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ 1Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ 2


England’s women have the chance to win their first World Cup since 1966Credit: ITVLaura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ 3Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ 4


Woods opted for an all pink outfitCredit: Twitter @laura_woodsy

And she made sure to mark the occasion of England’s first World Cup final since 1966 with a bold all pink outfit.

She opted to pair a pink blouse with a matching skirt for her coverage of the game this morning.

After posting her outfit on Twitter, fans were quick to shower the presenter with compliments.

One fan wrote: “Was just thinking which channel to choose, not anymore.”

Another wrote: “Looking good Laura.”

A third added: “Looking gorgeous Laura.”

A fourth was optimistic ahead of the final, and wrote: “Woodsy you are going to witness a World Cup Final win that will go down in history for England what a day this is going to be.”

England’s hearts were broken however as they lost the final 1-0.

Olga Carmona scored the only goal of the game in the 29th minute.

Sadly England couldn’t fight back despite Mary Earps’ dramatic penalty save in the second half.

Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ 5Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ 6

Spain vs England LIVE – Latest updates from Women’s World Cup final

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ – Tekmonk Bio, Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ – Kungfutv, Laura Woods leaves fans stunned with bold outfit for ITV coverage of Women’s World Cup final as they call her ‘gorgeous’ – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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