
Le Sserafim Members Age, Height, Profile, Nationality, Positions, and More

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Le Sserafim Members Age: Le Sserafim is a girl band which is about to make their debut in May 2022. If you are wondering what Le Sserafim Members’ Age is, you are at the right place. Read on to find out Le Sserafim Members’ Age, position, nationality, and more.
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Le Sserafim Members Age And Height

LE SSERAFIM () is a six-member girl group currently signed to Source Music and HYBE. The six-member South Korean female group will make its debut in May 2022.  On January 12, 2022, in Namuwiki’s Source Music section, a profile group called LE SSERAFIM was founded. The group’s logo was posted to its social media sites on March 27, 2022. Their name is an anagram of ‘I’m Fearless,’ and it connotes self-assurance and a strong desire to move on without being swayed by the gaze of the world. Sakura was the group’s first member, revealed on April 4, 2022, followed by Kim Garam on April 5, Hong Eunchae on April 6, Kim Chaewon on April 7, Kazuha on April 8, and Huh Yunjin on April 9. Three members of IZ*ONE had made appearances on the reality show ‘Produce 48,’ which led to the group’s establishment. The company also brought in a dancer from the Netherlands, which surprised everyone. Here’s what we know about Le Serafim’s six members, who are set to make their debut in May

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Le Sserafim Members Age 2023




1. Sakura

Mar 19, 1998

25 years old

2. Chaewon

Aug 01, 2000

23 years old

3. Yunjin

Oct 08, 2001

22 years old

4. Kazuha

Aug 09, 2003

20 years old

5. Garam

Nov 16, 2005

18 years old

6. Eunchae

Nov 10, 2006

17 years old

Le Sserafim Members Height



1. Kazuha

1.74 m (5’9″)

2. Eunchae

1.72 m (5’8″)

3. Yunjin

1.71 m (5’7″)

4. Garam

1.70 m (5’7″)

5. Chaewon

1.64 m (5’5″)

6. Sakura

1.63 m (5’4″)

Le Sserafim Members Position




vocalist, visual


leader, vocalist, dancer


main vocalist







Le Sserafim Members Nationality















Le Sserafim Official Accounts

Official Accounts

Official IDs




Twitter (Japan)














Le Sserafim Members

Miyawaki Sakura

Miyawaki Sakura is Le Sserafim’s eldest K-pop member. After competing in the Produce 48 series in 2018, the former IZ*ONE star made her debut with IZ*ONE. Together with music, the 24-year-old Japanese artist has a thriving acting career. Majisuka Gakuen 0, Majisuka Gakuen 4, and others are among her significant works.

Kim Chaewon

Le Sserafim is led by Kim Chaewon, another IZ*ONE star. Due to her exceptional voice and dancing skills, the 22-year-old Le Sserafim member has been a K-pop darling since her debut. Chaewon is a certified Girls Generation Taeyeon admirer, according to Kprofiles.

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Huh Yunjin

Huh Yunjin, a Korean-American K-pop rookie, was the sixth member of the Le Sserafim roster to be unveiled. The 21-year-old Korean diva is a professional opera singer who attended Hanlim Multi Arts School. She can play the guitar and the Ukulele in addition to singing.

Nakamura Kazuha

The Japanese K-pop newcomer Nakamura Kazuha is a skilled ballet dancer. According to Kprofiles, the 19-year-old K-pop sensation is the tallest member of Le Sserafim.

Kim Garam

The second member of Le Sserafim to be unveiled was Kim Garam, a 17-year-old K-pop trainee. She originally appeared in the Drunk-Dazed music video by Enhypen. She also attends Seoul Performing Arts High School, which is regarded as one of the most prestigious institutions for K-pop artists.

Hong Eunchae

LE SSERAFIM’s youngest member (maknae) is Hong Eunchae. She made her debut with LE SSERAFIM when she was 15 years old. Eunchae is 172 cm (5’8″) in height. Since February 2019, she has been a student at Def Dance School, and she signed Source Music in January 2021.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Le Sserafim Members Age, Height, Profile, Nationality, Positions, and More – Tekmonk Bio, Le Sserafim Members Age, Height, Profile, Nationality, Positions, and More – Kungfutv, Le Sserafim Members Age, Height, Profile, Nationality, Positions, and More – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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