
Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

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Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father – Leandro De Niro Rodriguez was a well-known actor and personality who was born in the US on June 25, 2004. Being Robert De Niro’s grandson made him very well known. On June 25, Leandro De Niro Rodriguez was born in the United States to an American family.

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Bio

NameLeandro De Niro Rodriguez
Age19 years
Date Of Birth25 June 2004
Date Of Death3 July 2023
BirthplaceUnited States
HometownUnited States

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Measurement

Height5 feet 10 inches
Weight61 kg
Eye Colourbrown 
Hair Colourblack 

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Educational Qualifications

SchoolHigh School
College or UniversityNot Known
Educational DegreeGraduated

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Family

FatherCarlos Rodriguez
MotherDrena De Niro 
Brother / SisterNot Known
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Marital Status

Marital StatusUnmarried
Spouse NameNot Known
AffairsFrances Benioff

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars5 Million
SalaryNot Known

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Social Media Accounts

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Wikipedia, A Star Is Born, Cause of Death, Grandson, Drugs, Wiki, Instagram, Age, Father

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez Career

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez traveled in his ancestors’ footsteps. He made the decision to appear in a few acting roles, just like his mother did after her father.

He made his acting debut at the tender age of two, according to his IMDb page. In 2005, the film The Collection, which starred him, came out. His mother Drena also starred in the film.

After then, he didn’t appear in any further films or TV shows until he was an adult. His subsequent acting role came in the 2018 film Cabaret Maxime. He appeared as a child in a cameo.

He appeared in A Star is Born, another movie released that same year. His mother once again played a prominent role in this film, Silimar. He took on the character of Leo Stone this time.

His IMDb page did not show any other acting credits, hence this was noted as his final acting appearance. Thus, we can conclude that he appeared a total of three times.

Leandro De Niro Rodriguez News

Robert De Niro’s grandson, actor Leandro De Niro-Rodriguez, passed away on Monday, according to his family. He was 19. In a message on Instagram on Monday, De Niro-Rodriguez’s mother Drena De Niro expressed her sorrow at the death of her son, referring to him as “my beautiful sweet angel” whom she loved “beyond words or description.”

She said, “You have been my delight, my heart, and all that was ever true and pure in my life. “I wish I were here with you now. I want to be here with you. I’m not sure how I’ll manage without you, but I’ll make an effort to carry on and share the love and light you gave me in being your mother. I wish that love alone could have shown you how much I loved and appreciated you.

According to a statement Drena De Niro gave to CBS News, the family has been overwhelmed by the “outpouring of love and support” as they deal with “this inconsolable grief.” “We say goodbye to our beloved son Leo with immeasurable shock and sadness,” she stated.

De Niro-Rodriguez’s father, artist Carlos Mare, responded to De Niro’s post by posting a dark image on his Instagram sites in response to his son’s passing.

Words can’t really explain the happiness he brought us or the sadness we now feel with our loved ones, according to Mare. “He is now a Godchild. His energy illuminates what could not be seen in the dark under this full moon. LEO is a necessary part of the word “love”

In a statement given to CBS News, Robert De Niro expressed his “deep distress” at the loss of “my beloved grandson Leo.” “Thank you very much for your condolences from everyone. We kindly want some space to mourn Leo’s passing, De Niro remarked.

When asked about De Niro-Rodriguez’s passing, a representative for the New York City Police Department informed CBS News that officers responded to a 911 call on Sunday afternoon by going to a building in lower Manhattan. Emergency personnel discovered a man unconscious and unresponsive, and they later declared him dead, according to a statement given to CBS News. A family spokesman told CBS News that De Niro-Rodriguez was 19, contrary to the police’s claim that he was 18.

According to the police spokeswoman, the cause of death would be determined by the city’s Office of Chief Medical Examiner.

De Niro-Rodriguez and his mother both starred in the 2018 films “A Star Is Born” and “Cabaret Maxime.” He was also given credit for a cameo in the 2005 film “The Collection.”

Categories: Biography

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