
Leisel Shepherd Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Brayden?

Leisel Shepherd Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Brayden? - networth, wiki, biography
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Leisel Shepherd, a native of New Zealand, has made it as the cast member of Netflix’s new dating show Down For Love. Not only the hopeful singles try to find love but also have down syndrome. In the show, she met Brayden and they forged quite a bond with each other.

But are they still together? Along with that, here we’ll discuss other details about Leisel’s life.

Leisel Shepherd On Netflix’s Down For Love

Netflix’s Down For Love has a lineup of cast members who have Down syndrome. The show centers around a few hopeful singles as they look for love in New Zealand. This is the first reality TV program on Netflix to ever focus on the relationships of individuals with disabilities.

The program was created by Attitude Pictures, a company that specializes in producing media that promotes understanding of mental illness and disabilities. Filming started in March of 2022, but Covid-19-related delays prevented the show from airing until August 2023.

One of the cast members we meet is Leisel Shepherd. She is accompanied by her fellow cast members Libby Hunsdale, Lily Harper, John Halliday, Carlos Biggemann, and Josh Bradley.

Leisel’s family has spoken about her being featured on the show. Her family said only good things have come from being featured in the reality/documentary series Down for Love. Her family was confident from the start that they were in good hands when opening up their private lives.

Brenda, Leisel’s mother, claimed that while raising money for the Upside Downs Education Trust, she learned that the company was looking for young individuals with Down syndrome to participate in the program. This, together with the NZ Down Syndrome Association’s engagement, gave her faith that it would be handled delicately.

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“We agreed as a family to take part,” Brenda told Local Matters. “It was something really different for us, but a good experience. A lot of people around here know Leisel anyway, and we’ve had very positive comments about the show.”

Leisel claims that seeing herself recently meet Braydon Pettigrew, 21, for the first time on television was both exciting and a little strange.

Brenda agreed that one of the best things about the show was the opportunity for Leisel to find someone special.

“We all deserve that,” she said.  “The show included a counselor so that Leisel could ask any questions regarding relationships and intimacy, which was very helpful.”

Are Leisel Shepherd And Brayden From Down For Love Still Together?

Yes, Leisel Shepherd and Brayden Pettigrew are still in a happy relationship. The couple began dating one year ago and immediately found that they liked one another. Leisel claims that they go out to have fun and cook together. They also communicate via TikTok because Brayden lives on the other side of Auckland.

Leisel was pretty eager to go on her blind date since she was hoping to find her perfect match, and when she finally met Brayden, her hopes looked to have been realized. Both of them thoroughly loved a day of mini-golf and undoubtedly sensed something that left them wanting more. Leisel and Brayden couldn’t help but compliment each other on their beauty and personalities as their evening came to a close.

On their second date, Leisel and Brayden went to a pottery studio where they made their own clay sculptures, which they really enjoyed. Their chemistry from their first encounter grew stronger, and they appeared to fall even more in love with one another. Leisel asked Brayden to her house so they could spend some time in the spa tub after their third beach date.

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Brayden made the decision to be honest with Leisel about his feelings when they were spending quality time together in the spa tub. Leisel enthusiastically agreed when he proposed to her. They also shared their first kiss as a result of this, and they appeared to enjoy it.

Eight months after their relationship began, Leisel and Brayden were still going strong. The latter even joined his girlfriend’s skincare company and launched a line of products specifically for males. They went to see sexuality educator Carolyn O’Neil at this stage, who gave them insight into what it may mean to have physical intimacy and how communication was essential to creating a strong relationship. Leisel and Brayden began to prepare for their first sleepover while feeling happier than ever.

In fact, the two spent the night together after going to a natural hot spring to celebrate the latter’s 21st birthday. The birthday kid declared his desire to be married to Leisel after blowing out the candles on his cake.

Leisel Shepherd Age

In 2023, Leisel Shepherd is 23 years old.

Leisel Shepherd Job

Leisel Shepherd is a nutrimetics influencer/consultant and also operates Leisel’s Life. She has also started a Facebook group. She has stated that she has her very own makeup and skincare business and her “biggest passion is showing people how EXCITING life can be.” Additionally, she has also started a YouTube channel.

At Nutrimetics, she serves skincare tips to the many customers she’s become a hit with. “This job has been life-changing for Leisel,” her mom Brenda said. “It’s boosted her confidence, improved her speech and it’s been a safe way to try and give her independence out in the community with other adults. She’s blossomed. We answer emails together and she’s learning to put the orders into the computer. There’s been no negative feedback. Customers have only commented on how bright and enthusiastic she is.”

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Leisel is no wallflower either. At a recent company conference in Australia, she decided to get up on stage to dance along to a bagpipe performance, which got a crowd of 350 cheering. She also promotes nutrimetics products on her IG for Leisel Life.

Is Leisel Shepherd On Instagram?

Yes, Leisel Shepherd is on Instagram (@leiselslifenz) and on Facebook (@leisel.shepherd).

Leisel Shepherd Family

Leisel Shepherd belongs to a family of five. It consists of her parents and her two brothers.

Leisel’s dad Paul Shepherd is now 54 years old. Her Father’s Day post from 2022 read, “To the one I trust most to save, help, believe and encourage me💚💚💚. Happy Father’s Day💚.”

Brenda, Leisel’s mom, is now 55 years of age. It is safe to say that Brenda has been the most supportive of Leisel’s endeavors so far. She is helping her daughter with the orders for the makeup. Brenda said, “Yes, and she adores doing live selling videos too – you never know what random tangent she’ll go off on, but it’s entertaining. Her humor and joy for life melt my heart every day. I’m so proud of her.”

Brenda works as Skincare and makeup coach at Leisel’s Life. She is also active on FB and IG.

Talking about siblings, Leisel’s older brother Alex is 24 years old. Her 20-year-old brother Hunter attended Orewa College.

Leisel is also very close to her paternal grandmother Merilyn Shepherd.

Related FAQs

  • When Is Leisel Shepherd’s Birthday?

Leisel Shepherd celebrates her birthday on 26 September.

  • Where Is Leisel Shepherd From?

Leisel Shepherd hailed from Red Beach, New Zealand. It also happens to be her current residence.

  • How Tall Is Leisel Shepherd?

Leisel Shepherd’s height measures under 4’10”. She was delivered by cesarean section procedure at only 38 weeks old and also had heart surgery at birth.

Categories: Biography

Links: Leisel Shepherd Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Brayden? – Tekmonk Bio, Leisel Shepherd Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Brayden? – Kungfutv, Leisel Shepherd Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Brayden? – Blogtomoney

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