
Lezersreis: 8-night package to Gran Canaria-from 899 euro per person

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Due to the southern location takes advantage of the Gran Canaria island, a very large zonzekerheid for the year as a whole. In addition to a great climate, beau

Due to the southern location takes advantage of the Gran Canaria island, a very large zonzekerheid for the year as a whole. In addition to a great climate, beautiful sand dunes and beaches, Gran Canaria has a infinite amount of entertainment on offer. Book a trip to Gran Canaria-from 899 euro per person.

if you Book your holiday.

The infinite possibilities of the Gran Canaria Specially designed for readers create Sunweb is a unique package for you to spend the night in a Selections the hotel, including a number of trips. This will give you the opportunity to see the multi-faceted south coast of Gran Canaria is a real experience.

Stay You stay in, the stylish 4-star Kumara Serenoa by Lopesan Hotel. This brand new hotel is ideally located between Dunas de Maspalomas Natural reserve, as the Masapalomas Golf Course and Maspalomas Beach. There are also many recreational facilities and there is also an adults-only corner, from where you can enjoy peace and quiet in combination with any of the tasty cocktails and light snacks.

Includes a Transfer to the hotel and a free round-trip Flight to and from Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) fruits basket, bottle of wine and a magazine in the room (1 per room) 7 nights ‘ accommodation on a half board basis in a Kumara Serenoa by Lopesan Hotel-welcome dinner – including a menu, a carafe of house wine, water, and a cup of coffee and a Walk Nice walk through the famous sand dunes of Maspalomas, Excursietrip Visit to the dunes, to the market in Mogan, a number of swimming and/or wandelstop to Amadores Beach, followed by a stop in Puerto Rico, and the Mirador, for a magnificent view of Excluding the booking fee of €25,- Calamiteitenfonds €2.50 discount Transportation during the welcome dinner to the 7 – p’s.p. (on-site)

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Date Of Update: 05 March 2020, 12:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Lezersreis: 8-night package to Gran Canaria-from 899 euro per person – Tekmonk Bio, Lezersreis: 8-night package to Gran Canaria-from 899 euro per person – Kungfutv, Lezersreis: 8-night package to Gran Canaria-from 899 euro per person – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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