
Lily Harper Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Clayton?

Lily Harper Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Clayton? - networth, wiki, biography
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Netflix’s Down for Love is the first-ever reality TV series that spotlights the relationships of people with disabilities. This dating show centers around hopeful singles with Down syndrome as they look for love in New Zealand. Each core member of the show has Down syndrome. Lily Harper, who we are going to talk about now is one of them.

Lily Harper On Netflix’s Down For Love

Lily Harper is introduced on Netflix’s Down For Love as someone taking the entire musical theatre world by storm and someone having been dubbed a “drama queen.”

Lily’s outlook on life is really inspiring. She always loved drama and therefore dreamed of being an actress all her life. Even when they did work experience at school, they actually found her a job in a cinema.

Her most recent role in Up Down Girl had a successful run in her hometown. Later, they also gave her rave reviews in Wellington.

After Up Down Girl director Nathan Mudge met Lily, he knew she needed to shine. So, he found a play, Up Down Boy, a UK show about the challenges and concerns of a mother raising a boy with Down syndrome. And with permission from the writer, Nathan adapted the play from its original form, making Lily the center of the story. It came out as Up Down Girl.

Is Lily Harper And Clayton From Down For Love Still Together?

Thus far, it is not understood if Lily Harper and Clayton from Down For Love are still together. These two did not seem as active on social media and maybe therefore also had not given away anything about their relationship status on it. But then, on her Facebook, Lily did mark her relationship status as “single” as of August 2023.

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Nevertheless, considering their on-screen interactions and shared creative interests, fans have been hoping they might still be together.

On Down For Love, Lily also went on a date with Alex Johnsen. Only after they decided they were better off as friends, Lily had met Clayton. This time, Lily had boldly asked Clayton to be her boyfriend. He had agreed of course as he also had already found her to be “hot.”

Lily Harper Age

Lily Harper was born in 1988. So, she reached the age of 34 in 2022.

Lily Harper Job

Acting apparently is not Lily’s day job. When she is not acting, she is a valued member of the team at her local Farmers. As of now, she already has worked there for over 13 years.

Through Awatapu College, Lily worked at Farmers unpacking lingerie, at a kindergarten, and at a hotel as a housekeeper. And yet she never considered any of these a “proper job” and so was always looking for one.

In 2021, Lily took home the “Best Emerging Actor” at the Central Regional Theatre Awards for her role as a young girl with Down syndrome preparing to leave home in the play Up Down Girl.

That year, for her role as the co-host of the Attitude Awards with Simon Dallow, they also nominated her for a 2021 Attitude Award in the creativity category. And when speaking to a reporter on Now To Love in November of that year, Lily was also looking forward to accepting a role on Shorty.

Is Lily Harper On Instagram?

Lily Harper was not on Instagram as of 13 August 2023. However, one could look her up on ‘Lily Harper’ Facebook.

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Lily Harper Family

After Lily’s birth mother decided she could not provide the care a child with Down’s might need, she was adopted at six months by Paul and Angela Harper. The Harpers already had kids of their own but wanted to make a difference.

Paul and Angela’s biological child Noah also has Down syndrome and Isaac, who the couple later adopted, also goes through the same. As of January 2009, Isaac was just 2.

So, like that, Angela and Paul had three kids within three years and so the former had to leave her career in medicine (psychiatrist) to bring up the kids.

The Harper family has always been keen on adventures. “The type of people who adopt kids with special needs have to be,” Angela once said.

Speaking of Paul, he on Facebook mentioned being a consultant hematologist at MidCentral Health. Prior to this, he worked at West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust. He studied Medicine at the University of Sheffield Medical School (1975 to 1980).

Related FAQs

  • When Is Lily Harper’s Birthday?

As of now, there was no way to understand when Lily Harper’s birthday is.

  • Where Is Lily Harper From?

Lily Harper was born in England. Then, when still small, she was adopted. By the time she was 9, the family moved to New Zealand. Since then, Palmerston of New Zealand has been Lily’s home.

  • How Tall Is Lily Harper?

Lily Harper stands below 4’10” in height.

Until back in 2009, when she was even less tall, she used to find her shortness “really annoying”, especially when opponents kicked the soccer ball over her head.

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At this time around, Lily was 19 and in her final year at Awatapu College. She had told a reporter for Stuff that when one day she gets to heaven, her number one question for God would be “Why did you make me short?”. Secondly, she also gushed she would ask why he creates people with Down syndrome.

Categories: Biography

Links: Lily Harper Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Clayton? – Tekmonk Bio, Lily Harper Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Clayton? – Kungfutv, Lily Harper Bio, Age, Job, Down For Love, Still With Clayton? – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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