
Lily Katherine Kinnear- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height

Lily Katherine Kinnear- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height - networth, wiki, biography
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Lily Katherine Kinnear is a celebrity child from the United States. Furthermore, Lily Katherine Kinnear is best known as the daughter of Greg Kinnear, a well-known American actor, producer, and television personality. Greg is best known for his role in As Good as It Gets, for which he received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor.

Quick Facts

Full Name:Lily Kinnear
Born Date:12 Sep 2003
Age:18 years
Country:United States
Marital Status:single
Eye ColorBlue
Hair ColorBlonde
FatherGreg Kinnear
MotherHelen Labdon
SiblingsKate Grace and Audrey Mae

Lily Katherine Kinnear Biography

Lily Katherine Kinnear was born in the United States of America on September 12, 2003. She is 18 years old and of American nationality, according to her birth date.

She is also of Scottish-Irish and English descent, and her zodiac sign is Virgo. Furthermore, her parents are Greg Kinnear (father) and Helen Labdon (mother).

Her father is a professional actor, producer, and television personality. Her mother, on the other hand, is a writer and former model. Furthermore, she has two sisters named Kate Grace and Audrey Mae.

Lily Katherine Kinnear Education

In terms of her academic career, she has not made her academic credentials public. We might assume she’s in high school based on her appearance.

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Lily Katherine Kinnear Height, Weight

Lily has blue eyes and blonde hair. Aside from that, she has never revealed any of her other physical characteristics to the public.

Lily Katherine Kinnear With Her Family (Source: Pinterest)


Professionally, Lily Katherine Kinnear is young, and she is currently focused on her education. She shared photos of herself winning a Taekwondo match. Furthermore, she may participate in the same sports in the near future. She rose to prominence as the daughter of American actor Greg Kinnear.

Greg hosted the short-lived game show College Mad House, which was a spinoff of the children’s show Fun House. In addition, from 1991 to 1992, he was the show’s founder, co-executive producer, and host. He also played David Larrabee in Sydney Pollack’s 1995 remake of Billy Wilder’s 1954 classic Sabrina. Moreover, he appeared in the 2002 film Auto Focus, which depicted the life and death of actor Bob Crane.

He also appeared in the comedy Stuck On You with Matt Damon. In Miley Cyrus’s 2010 film The Last Song, the actor played the character’s estranged father. He also played the title role of John F. Kennedy in the miniseries The Kennedys. Greg also appeared in Josh Boone’s film Stuck in Love as a well-known novelist.

Misbehavior, a British comedy-drama film, featured him (2020). He has also appeared in several television shows, including Friends, Talk Soup, Modern Family, House of Cards, Rake, and the miniseries The Stand (2020).

Lily Katherine Kinnear Awards

Lily is still young enough to receive honors and recognition. Her father, on the other hand, has won some of them during his acting career. He received the Outstanding Special Programming award in 1995. In 1996, he received the Chicago Film Critics Association Award for Most Promising Actor, the Golden Apple Award for Male Discovery of the Year, and the ShoWest Convention Award for Male Star of Tomorrow.

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He was named Best Supporting Actor by the Southeastern Film Critics Association in 1997. Later, he was nominated for a Blockbuster Entertainment Award for Favorite Supporting Actor – Comedy / Romance. He won the Phoenix Film Critics Society Award for Best Ensemble Cast in 2006. After two years, in 2008, he won Best Actor at the Boston Film Festival.

Lily Katherine Kinnear’s Net Worth

Currently, Lily has not disclosed her exact occupation or earnings. Her father, on the other hand, has made a fortune as an actor. Greg’s net worth is currently estimated to be around $20 million as of April 2023, with a salary of around $125,000 per episode.

Lily Katherine Kinnear’s Boyfriend, Dating

In terms of her current relationship status, Lily is single and not dating anyone. She is extremely private about her personal life and relationship details. Her parents, on the other hand, married on May 1, 1999.

The couple has three daughters, Lily, Kate, and Audrey, as a result of their marriage. Lily has never been involved in any contentious issues or rumors.

Categories: Biography

Links: Lily Katherine Kinnear- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height – Tekmonk Bio, Lily Katherine Kinnear- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height – Kungfutv, Lily Katherine Kinnear- Wiki, Age, Boyfriend, Ethnicity, Net Worth, Height – Blogtomoney

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