
Lina Johnsen Wikipedia, Letzte Generation

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Lina Johnsen Wikipedia, Letzte Generation

Lina Johnsen Wikipedia, Letzte Generation – During the morning rush hour on Friday, activists from Germany’s Last Generation (Letzte Generation) climate protest group demonstrated at one of Berlin’s most famous intersections. Additional activities were scheduled throughout the city and the rest of Germany.

Lina Johnsen Wikipedia, Letzte Generation

Campaigners dressed as senior lawmakers while arguing that the government has broken its own rules regarding climate change.

Explain about latest Protest

Activists seized the Victory Column roundabout in the city, which is frequently the scene of weekend climate protests, and clung to the roads leading from it.

An important hub during rush hour is the so-called Grosser Stern (Great Star) intersection. Some drivers veered off the road to avoid the demonstrators and carry on with their trips. A little over an hour after the sit-in started, traffic fully resumed.

Government officials like Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Minister of Economics and Climate Change Robert Habeck, and Minister of Transport Volker Wissing were posed by some activists. They carried signs saying, “We’re breaking the law.”

The coalition, according to the group, failed to fulfil its legal obligation to provide Germany with an expedient plan to comply with its own Climate Protection Act and achieve greenhouse gas neutrality. According to the government, it has fulfilled its requirement to submit additional climate protection measures by including extensive measures for the transportation industry in its draught climate protection programme.

Worldwide Action Nationwide

On Friday, other protests were scheduled across the city, one of which will take place outside Berlin’s major railway station. Police added that demonstrators had obstructed traffic near the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag, Germany’s parliament building. According to Last Generation, 36 sit-ins were scheduled for Friday in 26 German cities.

A day earlier, demonstrators anchored themselves to airport runways in Düsseldorf and Hamburg, triggering demands for heavy punishments for campaigners. Members of the gang were the focus of extensive raids in May.

Lina Johnsen, a spokeswoman for the Last Generation, claimed that the protests were necessary because the government had been flouting its own guidelines.

Politicians have a duty to safeguard the necessities of life. And by continuing to violate their own climate protection targets, they are willfully failing to achieve that, according to Johnsen.

Germany, the top polluter in Europe, is required by national legislation to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in each of the following sectors by the end of the decade: power, buildings, transport, industry, agriculture, and waste – by 65% from 1990 levels.

The government decided to abandon sectoral targets and just aim for the broad 2030 goal in June. Scientists worry that allowing success in some areas to make up for failings in others will delay corrections and make the 2030 target more difficult to achieve.

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Links: Lina Johnsen Wikipedia, Letzte Generation – Tekmonk Bio, Lina Johnsen Wikipedia, Letzte Generation – Kungfutv, Lina Johnsen Wikipedia, Letzte Generation – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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