
“LOOKS SO INSANELY FINE”: BTS’ Taehyung’s fans lavish praise over the second and final set of concept photos for Layover

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On August 16, BTS’ Taehyung released the second and final set of concept photos for his debut solo album Layover marking an end to his pre-release promotional activities for the album. Following the raw and effortless vibe of the first set of concept photos, the second set of pictures captures the Rainy Days singer in his natural element.

In the new set of concept photos, ARMYs can see his make-up-free avatar doing regular chores like washing dishes, taking a walk or cuddling with his pet dog Yeontan.

ARMYs are surprised that despite no extensive and elaborate photoshoots with props and costumes, the Singularity singer’s visuals and charisma shine through in these simple yet heartfelt pictures.

“LOOKS SO INSANELY FINE,” @archivefortae wrote, sharing a collage of his photos.

BTS’ Taehyung follows a blue-themed concept for his second set of promotional pictures for Layover

Staying true to the blue theme, BTS’ Taehyung has followed up with it yet again for the second promotional pictures for Layover. In his Weverse live interaction recently, the Sweet Night singer revealed that Min Hee-jin, ADOR’s CEO and producer of Layover, requested him to come over for an impromptu photoshoot session.

The 28-year-old BTS member revealed that without any prior preparation or extensive use of props, Min Hee-jin simply asked him to pose for pictures, and these are the same pictures used for the promotional campaign for Layover. As per a translated tweet by @miiniyoongs, Taehyung said,

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“I didn’t think it too much like a photo shoot, and instead of an outing? It feels very natural.”

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ARMYs are loving the second and final set of concept photos. Certain fans believe BTS’ Taehyung’s concept photos are reminiscent of older K-pop albums like SHINee’s Lucifer, with the homely and comforting vibe featuring the 28-year-old idol and his pet dog, Yeontan.

With the release of his second set of concept photos, BTS’ Taehyung has officially marked the end of his pre-release promotional activities for Layover. So far, the talented BTS member has released two music videos – Love Me Again and Rainy Days out of the five music videos he intends to release.

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The music videos for the other three songs – Slow Dancing (title track), For Us and Blue, will be released on September 8 along with the full album. A piano version of Slow Dancing will be released as a bonus track as well.

BTS’ Taehyung will guest in the first edition of Tiny Desk Korea

BTS’ Taehyung is all set to guest on the inaugural edition of Tiny Desk Korea, the Korean edition of NPR Music’s Tiny Desk. Like its original counterpart, Tiny Desk Korea will also feature live performances by musicians and bands, but instead of a desk, it will be in a library.

Guest musicians will perform in a library-like setting with mid-form content of 15 to 30 minutes per episode. Tiny Desk Korea is a joint collaboration between LG U+ Studio X+U and features Kim Changwan Band, Yun Seok Cheol Trio, Sunwoo Junga, Kwon Jin Ah, and BTS’ Taehyung amongst others,

The Layover singer has previously performed on NPR Music’s Tiny Desk with his other Bangtan bandmates in 2020. Last year, RM became the first Bangtan member to perform solo at NPR Music’s Tiny Desk.

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Speculations are griping that the Christmas Tree singer will be the first Bangtan member and K-pop idol to perform on Tiny Desk Korea around the release of his debut solo album Layover. An official announcement regarding the same is expected in the coming days.

Layover is all set to release on September 8th.

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Edited by Sakshi Tripathi

Categories: Trending

Links: “LOOKS SO INSANELY FINE”: BTS’ Taehyung’s fans lavish praise over the second and final set of concept photos for Layover – Tekmonk Bio, “LOOKS SO INSANELY FINE”: BTS’ Taehyung’s fans lavish praise over the second and final set of concept photos for Layover – Kungfutv, “LOOKS SO INSANELY FINE”: BTS’ Taehyung’s fans lavish praise over the second and final set of concept photos for Layover – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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