
Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023 Schedule for CAP Round 2 and 3 Released, Check Dates Here

Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023 Schedule for CAP Round 2 and 3 Released, Check Dates Here - networth, wiki, biography
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Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023

Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023: The Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (CET) cell has issued the schedule of the second and third round of state National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) UG counselling today: August 21, 2023, in online mode. Candidates who are appearing for the round 2 and 3 of NEET counselling can check and download the complete schedule from the official website – 

As per the given schedule, the counselling committee will release the seat matrix for CAP 2 counselling on August 23, 2023. Candidates of CAP-1, if fail to resign before August 22, will be considered as part of CAP-2 and rules will apply accordingly.

NEET UG 2023 Schedule for CAP round 2 (MBBS/BDS course only)

Candidates can check the dates related to the NEET UG counselling 2023 round 2 in the table below:



Last date to resign Round 1 joined seat without

forfeiture of fees

August 22, 2023 (upto 5.30 pm)

Publication of Seat Matrix for CAP-2

August 23, 2023

Online Preference/Choice Form Filling Process 

August 24 to 29, 2023 (till 11.49 pm)

Declaration of Second Selection List of NEET-UG2023

August 29, 2023 

Physical Joining and Filling of Status Retention


August 30 to September 3, 2023 (upto 5.30 pm)

Last date to resign Round 2 Joined seats with forfeiture of registration fees as per Information Brochure

Upto September 8, 2023 (5.30 pm)

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NEET UG 2023 Schedule for CAP round 3 (MBBS/BDS course only)

Candidates can go through the schedule of the NEET UG counselling 2023 round 3 in the table given below:

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Online registration

September 9 to 10, 2023 up to 11:59 pm

Payment of Registration Fees 

September 9 to 11, 2023 up to 11:59 pm

Publication of General List of Registered Candidates

September 12, 2023

Publication of Combined Common Provisional State Merit List of MBBS/BDS courses only

September 12, 2023

Publication of Seat Matrix for CAP-3

September 12, 2023

Online Preference/Choice Form Filling Process

September 13 to 14, 2023

Declaration of Third Selection List of MBBS/BDS

courses only 

September 15, 2023 

Physical Joining with All Original Documents & Requisite Fees by DD/Cheque at the allotted college. 

September 16 to 14, 2023 (upto 5.30 pm)

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Categories: Trends

Links: Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023 Schedule for CAP Round 2 and 3 Released, Check Dates Here – Tekmonk Bio, Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023 Schedule for CAP Round 2 and 3 Released, Check Dates Here – Kungfutv, Maharashtra NEET UG Counselling 2023 Schedule for CAP Round 2 and 3 Released, Check Dates Here – Blogtomoney

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