
Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

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Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend – The oldest child of former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, Malia Ann Obama was born on July 4, 1998. Obama is a Harvard University undergraduate who is presently pursuing a career in television and filmmaking. Obama has established a distinct course for her life and distinguished herself as a unique force, despite the fact that she has been in the spotlight as a result of her father’s public life and profession.

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Bio

NameMalia Ann Obama
NicknameMalia Obama
Age24 Years
Date Of Birth4 July 1998
Famous forDaughter of Barack Obama
BirthplaceChicago, Illinois
HometownChicago, Illinois

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Measurement

Height5 fee 10 inch
Weight65 kg approx
Eye ColourBlack
Hair ColourBlack

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Educational Qualifications

SchoolSidwell Friends School
College or UniversityUniversity of Chicago Laboratory School Harvard University, Cambridge
Educational DegreeGraduated

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Family

FatherBarack Obama 
MotherMichelle Obama
Brother / SisterSasha Obama
ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, BoyfriendMalia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend 1Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Marital Status

Marital StatusUnmarried
Spouse NameNot Known
AffairsRory Farquharson

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, BoyfriendMalia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend 2Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars$100 thousand
SalaryNot Known

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama Social Media Accounts

Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend

Malia Obama News

Michelle and Barack Obama are honouring their oldest child. On Tuesday, the former first couple paid tribute to Malia Obama on Instagram in honour of her 25th birthday. Sasha, 22, is also shared by the two.

Barack included a cute photo of him and Malia hugging for his post. Happy birthday to this smart, funny, and lovely young lady,” he added. “Malia, I hope that 25 brings you everything you’re looking for and more.”

Michelle gave Malia a throwback birthday homage by posting a picture of her cuddling Malia when she was a newborn.

The delighted mother wrote, “Happy birthday, Malia!” “I consider myself extremely fortunate to be your mother and be able to see you develop into the amazing young woman you are today. I adore you a lot. Malia had a successful year after creating her first TV script for Swarm. Janine Nabers, the show’s creator, told ET in March that Malia is “an incredible writer” who “brought a lot to the table.”

“Some of her pitches were wild as hell, and they were just so good and so funny,” Nabers remarked. She is “… incredibly committed to her craft.”

Malia is a “great writer,” said series star Chloe Bailey, adding, “I was just so delighted when I finally got to see her on set. Simply said, I’m extremely proud of her.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend – Tekmonk Bio, Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend – Kungfutv, Malia Obama Wikipedia, Wiki, Bio, Biography, Cocaine, Degree, College Major, Instagram, Boyfriend – Blogtomoney

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