
Mallika Dua trolls WhatsApp scammer using Deepika Padukone’s dialogue

Mallika Dua trolls WhatsApp scammer using Deepika Padukone’s dialogue - networth, wiki, biography
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Comedian Mallika Dua recently took to social media to share a snapshot of her conversation with a WhatsApp scammer. Since her post was shared, it has left many people in splits. (Also Read: WhatsApp scammer teaches man a ‘valuable lesson’ on life and money, Twitter agrees)

Mallika Dua shared a snapshot of a conversation with a WhatsApp scammer.

Mallika Dua shared the post on Instagram. The snapshot of the conversation shows a WhatsApp scammer contacting her and saying, “I have good news for you, are you free?” To this, she jokingly replies, “No, I’m manglik.” Further, the scammer informs her that he is an HR from GBIM company and has a job offer for her.

At the end of the conversation, Mallika Dua replies to the scammer by saying Deepika Padukone’s dialogue from Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani.

Take a look at the post shared by Mallika Dua here:

This post was shared just an hour ago. Since being posted, it has been liked several times. The share has also garnered many comments. Many people found the conversation between the comedian and the scammer hilarious.

Check out what people are saying about it here:

An individual wrote, “Hahaha, pity the joker on the other side.” A second shared, “I too got this message today morning.” “You’re a whole mood,” expressed another. A fourth added, “The best reply ever. Well done!” The comments section is replete with laughing emojis.

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Links: Mallika Dua trolls WhatsApp scammer using Deepika Padukone’s dialogue – Tekmonk Bio, Mallika Dua trolls WhatsApp scammer using Deepika Padukone’s dialogue – Kungfutv, Mallika Dua trolls WhatsApp scammer using Deepika Padukone’s dialogue – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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