
Man’s picture of huge spider sparks mixed reactions

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A man recently took to social media to share a picture of a massive spider that has captured netizens interest. He shared about what he decided to do with the arachnid in a Facebook post.

The image shows a huge spider on the corner of a ceiling. (Facebook/@British Spider Identification Group)

The man, Danny Higgins took to a Facebook page called British Spider Identification Group to share about the spider. “Trying to ID this for a friend, was thinking maybe Male Eratigena SP, any suggestions welcome, thank you in advance!” he wrote. He shared an image of a huge spider on the corner of a ceiling. Higgins then added an update to the post and wrote that he has called an organisation trained in handling arachnids.

“Environmental Health has been called and have arranged to pick this big boy up, thank you to everyone for your suggestions and advice! Keeping a safe distance and a watchful eye on him until then, may the odds forever be in my favour,” he added.

However, he soon posted why he is not calling the organisation, and the reason will melt your heart. “After finding out Environmental Health would kill it, I’ve cancelled their visit and have spoken to a good friend who specialises in homing spiders. It didn’t sit right with me that I’d be responsible for its death… so he will be picked up very shortly,” he explained.

Take a look at this Facebook post about the huge spider:

Man’s picture of huge spider sparks mixed reactions 1 A screenshot of a post about a spider on Facebook. (Facebook/@British Spider Identification Group)

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The post, since being shared on August 22, has received tons of comments from people. While some suggested how Higgins should handle the situation, others expressed their fear of the creature.

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Here’s how Facebook users reacted to the spider post:

“I think you need to give the RSPCA a call and tell them you have a Huntsman spider loose in your lounge! I know I’m not an expert, but you can definitely count on Julia Patch’s identification,” posted a Facebook user. “Wow, the size of it,” expressed another.

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“Yep, that’s a ‘I’d move out’ kind of spider. His house now! On a more serious note, hopefully someone has been in touch, if not, it will be worth getting in touch with the National reptile centre who may be able to help or know of someone closer. I’m sure there’s a place in or near Birmingham, but my brain isn’t reminding me of the name!” joined a third. “Wow, not sure I’d be living there if I’d seen that, it’s massive,” wrote a fourth.

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Links: Man’s picture of huge spider sparks mixed reactions – Tekmonk Bio, Man’s picture of huge spider sparks mixed reactions – Kungfutv, Man’s picture of huge spider sparks mixed reactions – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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