
Margot Griffin Wiki (Drew Griffin Wife) Biography, Age, Children, Parents, Nationality, Height, Net Worth & More

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Margot Griffin Wiki:- Margot Griffin is an American celebrity who is well-known as the wife of a late husband named Drew Griffin who was an American journalist. He was known for his work for CNN. He passed away on 17 December 2022. 

In this blog, you can get all the details about Margot Griffin Wiki (Drew Griffin Wife) Biography, Age, Children, Parents, Nationality, Height, Net Worth & More. 

Drew Griffin Wife

Margot Griffin is the widow of Drew Griffin. He passed away due to cancer on 17 December 2022 at the age of 60 in the Atlanta metropolitan area at his home.

He was born on 21 October 1962 in Chicago, Illinois, United States. He worked for KCBS-TV from 1994 to 2004 and for CNN from 2004 to 2022.

Margot Griffin Wiki, Children, Husband, Parents

Margot Griffin was born and grew up in the United States that’s why she holds American nationality.

She was married to American journalist Drew Griffin but their wedding details are not added anywhere yet.

She is blessed with three children named Ele Gast, Louis Griffin, and Miles Griffin. She also has two grandchildren.

Margot Griffin With Her Children and Husband

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She lives with her husband in the Atlanta metropolitan area. Margot’s family details are yet to be updated.

Her physical status, ethnicity, age, religion, and education details are also yet to be updated. She has a net worth of around $1 million from her husband. 

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Categories: Biography

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Links: Margot Griffin Wiki (Drew Griffin Wife) Biography, Age, Children, Parents, Nationality, Height, Net Worth & More – Tekmonk Bio, Margot Griffin Wiki (Drew Griffin Wife) Biography, Age, Children, Parents, Nationality, Height, Net Worth & More – Kungfutv, Margot Griffin Wiki (Drew Griffin Wife) Biography, Age, Children, Parents, Nationality, Height, Net Worth & More – Blogtomoney

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