
Matt Rife Wiki, Age, Bio, Girlfriend, Parents, Height & Net Worth

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Matt Rife Wiki:-Comedian. Matt Rife is an American Actor also Comedian. Rife Signed With CAA. Rife is known for his Self-Produced Comedy Special.In this Blog, you can read, Matt Rife’s Wiki, Age, Bio, Girlfriend, Parents, Height & Net Worth.

Matt Rife Wiki, Age & Bio

Rife was born on 10 September 1995, which means he is 27 years old. His zodiac sign is Virgo. He took birth in Columbus, Ohio, United States.

He completed his schooling at Albany High School and graduated from Private University.

He is known for his appearance on Bring the Funny and Guest roles on “Wild’s Out, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and Fresh Off the Boat”.

His Height is 5 feet 11 inches and his Weight is 85 kg.

Parents and Siblings

Matt’s Parent’s names are Jason Sievers ( Step- Father ) and April Rife ( Mother ).

He has two siblings names are one sister Taylor Chilton and one brother Christian Sievers.

Rife With his Mother and Sister



Matt is an unmarried man. He was in a relationship with Actress Kate Beckinsale, whenever we get more information we will be updated soon.

Matt Rife Wiki, Age, Bio, Girlfriend, Parents, Height & Net Worth 1Rife With his Girlfriend


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FAQ About Matt Rife Wiki

Q.1 Who Is Rife?

Ans. American Comedian and Actor, who signed with CAA.

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Q.2 What is Matt’s Date of Birth?

Ans. 10 September 1995.

Q.3 How old is Rafi?

Ans. 27 Years Old.

Q.4 What is Rafi’s  Net Worth?

Ans. $ 1.5 Million.

Q.5 What is Matt’s Nationality?

Ans. American.

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Categories: Biography

Links: Matt Rife Wiki, Age, Bio, Girlfriend, Parents, Height & Net Worth – Tekmonk Bio, Matt Rife Wiki, Age, Bio, Girlfriend, Parents, Height & Net Worth – Kungfutv, Matt Rife Wiki, Age, Bio, Girlfriend, Parents, Height & Net Worth – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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