
Megi Irawan Age: How Old Is He? Wiki & Family Explore

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People are curious about Megi Irawan’s Wikipedia page. Despite the show’s strange name, the millennial generation of the 1990s is certainly acquainted with the soap opera Tuyul and Mbak Yul. Megi Irawan has a link to the soap opera since that is where the public first learned about him. At the time, Ony Syahrial appeared in the popular Tuyul and Mbak Yul soap opera. Because of the popularity of this serial opera, the films Tuyul and Mba Yul Reborn The Movie were developed. Megi Irawan played Ucil in the film Tuyul and Mbak Yul Reborn.

Megi Irawan’s current role is to actively develop material. Megi, who hasn’t been seen in a while, has made headlines after announcing his engagement. Let’s read the article to find out more about Megi Irawan Wikipedia.

Megi Irawan’s Wiki

In terms of Megi Irawan Wikipedia, he is yet to be mentioned. Megi Irawan is a well-known name in Indonesian entertainment. Megi Irawan, for example, has previously played Tuyul and Mbak Yul in a television movie or soap opera. Following that, she was mostly missing from TV entertainment news, but Megi Irawan is again enjoying success. This is owing to Megi Irawan’s frequent national and private television appearances, as well as her participation in many YouTube projects.

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Megi Irawan also has a big social media following. Megi Irawan was recently invited to Deddy Corbuzier’s Close The Door YouTube program. Megi Irawan, on the other hand, who is extraordinary, once mentioned entertaining activities in Mecca. Megi Irawan did Umrah with TikTokers and actor Khaliltoktok at the time.

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How Old Is Megi Irawan?

Megi Irawan was born on May 5, 1996, and will be 27 years old in 2023. His hometown is Simalinyang, and he follows Islam. Megi Irawan’s YouTube channel is full of amusing flicks, comedy videos, and daily vlogs. Megi Irawan has just delivered good news. He just married Riva Syahdila, also known as Ila, a Riau native from Pekanbaru. Megi Irawan once told a story regarding his friendship with Riva Syahdila. Megi Irawan and Ila started dating in March 2023.

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Megi Irawan Syahdila Riva Wife

Megi Irawan is overjoyed that he is now a legally recognized spouse. Riva Syahdila, a well-known actress well known for her roles in the television series Tuyul and Mbak Yul, eventually became Megi Irawan’s love interest. Megi Irawan and Riva Syahdila got married on Thursday, April 5, 2023. Megi Irawan’s wedding ceremony was captured in various Instagram posts. Megi Irawan sat calmly across from Riva Syahdila’s Father. Megi then brought a dowry of prayer items and cash in the amount of 100 Riyals (391 thousand Rp).

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Megi Irawan and Riva Syahdila’s wedding seemed much more spectacular since the ceremony and reception were held outside. It took place on Friday, May 5, 2023, after active coverage of Megi Irawan and Riva Syahdila’s wedding by and other outlets.

Categories: Entertaintment

Links: Megi Irawan Age: How Old Is He? Wiki & Family Explore – Tekmonk Bio, Megi Irawan Age: How Old Is He? Wiki & Family Explore – Kungfutv, Megi Irawan Age: How Old Is He? Wiki & Family Explore – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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