
Mike’s Eleven Speech Was Even Worse For Will Than You Realize

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Warning: This article contains spoilers Stranger Things Season 4!

mike’s stirring love speech for eleven Stranger Things For Will, season four is much worse than it seems. At the beginning of volume one, Eleven finally brings up the fact that Mike never said he loved her. She produced stacks and stacks of letters to prove her point, all of which were pointedly signed. “From, Mike. “ Obviously, that’s important to her, and it’s something that Mike has struggled to put into words over the course of several seasons. Stranger things. He ends up saying this in his address to her, which unfortunately hurts Will as well.

Will’s love for Mike has been building for some time, but in Stranger Things season four. He talks to Mike about being the heart of the group and pretends to speak from Eleven’s point of view to hide how he really feels, and it’s heartbreaking to watch. Will has always been a true friend. Therefore, he will not hinder the relationship between friends and will divide his feelings for their benefit. However, what Mike said to Eleven definitely hurt him, and one specific line from Mike made it worse.

Mike’s speech to Eleven is enough to spur Eleven to fight Vecna, and she regains her newfound confidence after Mike tells Eleven he loves her.The speech was a pivotal moment for the couple Stranger Things, like watching Will’s worst nightmare. Not only does he have to watch the boy he likes profess his love to someone else, but the context behind one of Mike’s emotions is also heart-wrenching. Mike told Eleven, “My life started the day we found you in the woodsWorse still for Will was the day he was found missing.

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Mike’s eleven speeches reveal how much he’s changed in ‘Stranger Things’

throughout the process Stranger ThingsMike increasingly neglects his friends in favor of his girlfriend Eleven. In season one, he jumped off a cliff to save Dustin from bullies. Then in season two, when Lucas and Dustin chase Max, he’s the only one who’s always on Will’s side.However, when eleven comes back at the end Stranger Things After the second season, Mike was completely captivated by the third season. He’s estranged from Will and only wants to talk about girls. All Will wants to do is reconnect and make connections through Dungeons & Dragons.exist Stranger Things In Season 4, Will says that Mike barely ever calls, even though his best friend lives in a completely different state, and it’s easy to imagine that the main person Mike calls the Byers house is Eleven.

Mike is blinded by his girlfriend to say such self-centered things, it shows that he has strayed from the Mike in the first season, he will do anything for his friends. While Will fights for his life in “Upside Down,” Mike himself, in contrast, states that his life was just beginning at the time.Will’s Trauma Stranger Things More and more, the incident was being pushed to the back of Mike’s mind, as if he took it for granted that his best friend was miraculously alive and well after everything he’d been through.

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Links: Mike’s Eleven Speech Was Even Worse For Will Than You Realize – Tekmonk Bio, Mike’s Eleven Speech Was Even Worse For Will Than You Realize – Kungfutv, Mike’s Eleven Speech Was Even Worse For Will Than You Realize – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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