
Mini Crossword with Answers: August 24, 2023

Mini Crossword with Answers: August 24, 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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The Jagran Josh Mini Crossword is a fun and challenging brain teaser that covers a wide range of topics, including general knowledge, static GK, India and world economy, polity, geography, history, science and technology, sports, and English vocabulary.

Play our free crossword daily to learn new facts and trivia about India and the world as well as improve your English language skills. If you get stuck on a clue, you can always check the crossword solution at the end of the article however we encourage to figure out the clue yourself to fill all the blanks.

Mini Crossword: August 24, 2023

Solve this mini crossword with the clues provided below:


2. If two figures can be put exactly over each other, they are said to be ______.(9 letters)

3. Jat-Jatin is a famous folk dance of which Indian state? (5 letters)


1. First country to land on Moon’s South Pole. (5 letters)

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Mini Crossword with Answers: August 24, 2023

Check the mini crossword answers below: 

Mini Crossword with Answers: August 24, 2023 1


2. Congruent

3. Bihar


1. India

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Links: Mini Crossword with Answers: August 24, 2023 – Tekmonk Bio, Mini Crossword with Answers: August 24, 2023 – Kungfutv, Mini Crossword with Answers: August 24, 2023 – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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