
MrBeast announces “biggest video ever” that’s double the size of Squid Game recreation 2023

MrBeast announces “biggest video ever” that’s double the size of Squid Game recreation 2023 - networth, wiki, biography
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In this Article, We will know about MrBeast announces “biggest video ever” that’s double the size of Squid Game recreation. Please like and share if You are interested!

YouTube star MrBeast has teased his “biggest video” to date, which he claims is double the size of his viral Squid Game recreation.

With over 175 million subscribers, MrBeast has long cemented himself as the king of YouTube. For years, the 25-year-old has spent upwards of millions of dollars on a single video and has continuously smashed his records time and time again.

Recently he even shattered the record for the most views on a non-music YouTube video in 24 hours with his ‘lost at sea’ video. However, one video is known to top them all.

With Netflix’s hit 2021 TV show Squid Game, the YouTuber shocked the internet with his recreation, which was almost an exact replica — even earning him the title for the fastest non-music video to reach 100 million views.

MrBeast isn’t stopping there, teasing that his next video will be his biggest ever — even surpassing Squid Game.

MrBeast teases his “biggest video ever”

In a tweet on August 12, following the release of his latest video which fans said had crossovers with Pewdiepie and the Sidemen, the YouTuber claimed his biggest video ever is on the way.

“Next Saturday’s video I had a subscriber from every country on earth compete in my own version of Extreme Olympics…” he wrote. “The sets are 2x bigger than our squid game sets and it’s my biggest video ever.”

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The YouTube star also included several screenshots, showing the enormous size of the sets used within the video.

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Furthermore, replying to a fan MrBeast revealed that the budget for the video was over $4 million.

There’s just absolutely no telling what could be in store next for fans, as it’s clear MrBeast continues to reach bigger and bigger heights.

However, the YouTube star has recently got himself muddled up in a lawsuit after making “disparaging” comments toward Virtual Dining Concepts — the company behind his Beast Burger restaurants, who claim damages exceed $100 million.

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Categories: Entertainment
Source: Tekmonk Famous Biography

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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