
NATA 2023 Exam Date Announced for Test 4; Check Schedule, Revised Eligibility Criteria Here

NATA 2023 Exam Date Announced for Test 4; Check Schedule, Revised Eligibility Criteria Here - networth, wiki, biography
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NATA 2023 Exam Date

NATA 2023 Exam Date: The Council of Architecture (CoA) has announced the fourth phase exam dates of the National Aptitude Test in Architecture (NATA). The authorities will conduct the NATA 2023 exam on September 17, 2023, giving the candidates the last opportunity to take the entrance exam. 

The candidates qualifying in NATA 2023 4th Test shall be eligible for admission to B.Arch. degree course for academic session 2023-2024, irrespective of the fact whether they had appeared in previous Tests of NATA 2023 or not.

Further, it may be noted that admission of successful candidates in the 4th NATA Test shall be only against vacant seats available at various Institutions. The centralised admission counselling process in the states shall continue and will not be affected by the. 

NATA 2023 Exam Notice- Click Here

NATA 2023 Revised Eligibility Criteria 

Check out the modified eligibility requirements below:

  • Only those candidates who have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination with Physics and Maths as mandatory subjects along with either Biology or Chemistry or Technical Vocational subject or Computer Science or Information Technology or Engineering Graphics or Informatics Practices or Business Studies 
  • They must have cleared them with at least 45% marks in aggregate or passed the 10+3 Diploma Examination with Mathematics as a compulsory subject with at least 45% marks in aggregate.
  • The candidate is required to pass an aptitude test in architecture administered by either NTA (JEE) or NATA held by CoA. 
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NATA 2023 Application Window

NATA registrations are likely to commence soon. Once the link is activated, candidates will be able to register themselves on the official website: Earlier, the authorities conducted the three phases of NATA for admission to architecture courses. 

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Links: NATA 2023 Exam Date Announced for Test 4; Check Schedule, Revised Eligibility Criteria Here – Tekmonk Bio, NATA 2023 Exam Date Announced for Test 4; Check Schedule, Revised Eligibility Criteria Here – Kungfutv, NATA 2023 Exam Date Announced for Test 4; Check Schedule, Revised Eligibility Criteria Here – Blogtomoney

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