
Natalie Negrotti- Wiki, Age, Nationality, Ethnicity, Boyfriend, Height, Career

Natalie Negrotti- Wiki, Age, Nationality, Ethnicity, Boyfriend, Height, Career - networth, wiki, biography
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Natalie Negrotti is a Venezuelan-born American reality television star and former NFL cheerleader who rose to prominence after appearing on the 18th season of the hit CBS reality show Big Brothers.

Quick Facts

Full Name:Natalie Negrotti
Born Date:22 Mar 1990
Age:32 years
Height:5 feet 3 inches (1.60m)
Marital Status:in-relation
Net Worth$500K
Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorBlack
Body Size34-26-36
Birth PlaceCaracas

Natalie Negrotti Biography

Natalie Negrotti was born on March 22, 1990, in Caracas, Venezuela. Furthermore, Natalie Mercedes Negrotti is her full name. She is 32 years old and born under the sign of Aries in 2023. Negrotti is of mixed ethnicity and has Venezuelan nationality.

Her family and she moved to Franklin Park, New Jersey. Aside from that, no information about her parents or childhood is available.

Natalie Negrotti Education

In terms of education, Negrotti participated in theatre, drama, and cheerleading during her high school years. Aside from that, little is known about her educational background.

Natalie Negrotti Height, Weight

Natalie Negrotti is undeniably attractive and lovely. She stands about 5 feet 3 inches (163cm) tall and weighs about 55 kg (121 pounds). Negrotti also has body measurements of 34-26-36 inches. Her dark brown eyes are stunning, and her hair is black.

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Natalie Negrotti With Her Ex-Boyfriend (Source: Pinterest)


After graduating from college, Negrotti pursued a career as a cheerleader. She was an NFL cheerleader for the New York Jets. She was also an accomplished event planner.

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Later, she assisted with professional photo shoots for bikini and makeup companies. She also auditioned for several television shows. Finally, in 2016, she was chosen as a house guest for CBS’s Big Brother season 18 and won the title of Head of House.

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Da’Vonne Rogers and Bronte D’Acquisto were her competitors. Following Big Brother, Negrotti appeared in several MTV shows, including The Challenge: Vendettas with Victor Arroyo and Big Brother 18 (UK) contestant Kayleigh Morris, who was evicted in Episode 12. Another Big Brother cast member is Emma Willis.

She co-hosted Ex On The Beach before appearing in The Challenge: Final Reckoning with Paulie Calafiore, Jozea Flores, Da’Vonne Rogers, and Kayleigh Morris. Paulie Calafiore was assigned to her as her Vendetta. They were kicked out and delivered to the redemption House in Episode 3.

Natalie Negrotti Net Worth

Natalie Negrotti has made a fortune through her hard work and brilliance. As of April 2023, her net worth is estimated to be $500,000.

Her careers in broadcasting and event planning have not only contributed to her wealth. She made a good living by modeling for various advertising agencies and fashion houses.

Natalie Negrotti Boyfriend, Dating

During Big Brother’s 18th season, Negrotti had a romantic relationship with one of the houseguests, James Huling. The couple dated for a while after they both left the reality TV show Big Brother.

Negrotti sued Huling, a fellow house visitor, and ex-boyfriend, on April 27, 2017, for creating a fake account, displaying private images of her online, and posting false information about her.

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Negrotti came out as pansexual and revealed that she was dating another female while filming The Challenge: Final Reckoning. During a conversation with her co-star, Kyle Christie overheard the reality star admitting she is dating a woman and is happy with her. She has not, however, revealed her true identity.

Categories: Biography

Links: Natalie Negrotti- Wiki, Age, Nationality, Ethnicity, Boyfriend, Height, Career – Tekmonk Bio, Natalie Negrotti- Wiki, Age, Nationality, Ethnicity, Boyfriend, Height, Career – Kungfutv, Natalie Negrotti- Wiki, Age, Nationality, Ethnicity, Boyfriend, Height, Career – Blogtomoney

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