
NEET UG Counselling 2023: MCC releases notice regarding upgradation of seats from round 2 to 3, check instructions here

NEET UG Counselling 2023: MCC releases notice regarding upgradation of seats from round 2 to 3, check instructions here - networth, wiki, biography
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NEET UG Counselling 2023

NEET UG Counselling 2023: The Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) has allowed candidates to upgrade their seats from round 2 to 3 in the National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) UG counselling 2023. The official notice states, “As approved by the competent authority, Medical Counselling Committee (MCC) of DGHS has provided benefit of Upgradation from Round-2 to Round-3 of UG Counselling for the academic year 2023.”

Along with this MCC has also reopened the seat resignation process for round 1 from August 19 to 21, 6 PM. The resignation letter is generated online on the official website by the allotted college, failing which the resignation will be treated as ‘Null & Void’. The registration process for the NEET counselling 2023 Round 3 will commence from August 31 to September 4, 2023. 

NEET UG Notice PDF – Check Here

Instructions regarding NEET UG Counselling 2023 Seat Upgradation from Round 2 to 3 

Candidates can check the following points and instructions regarding seat upgradation from round 2 to round 3 of NEET UG counselling 2023:

  • Round 1 candidates who did not get upgraded in round 2 and want to participate in round 3 will have to fill in choices for upgradation since their willingness will be taken as ‘yes’ automatically.
  • Those who have been allotted seats for the first time in round 2 may fill in choices for upgradation in round 3 by giving willingness as ‘yes’ at the time of reporting for round 2 seat at the allotted college
  • Round 1 and 2 candidates who are satisfied with their allotted seats and do not want to get upgraded in round 3 may not fill in fresh choices in round 3.
  • However, round 1 or round 2 candidates will have to remain in the system and should be holding their seats to fill choices in round 3. If a candidate has resigned from the round 1 or round 2 seats, he or she will have to pay the full fee again to participate in round 3.
  • Any round 2 candidate who wants to resign may exit with forfeiture before the choice-filling of round 3 starts. There will be no option of resignation after the start of choice filling of round 3.
  • If a candidate does not join the allotted seat of Round 2/ Round 3 there will be ‘Exit with Forfeiture’.
  • Candidates who have exited with forfeiture in round 3 will not be able to participate in stray vacancy rounds and any further rounds. Hence, ‘Exit with Forfeiture’ candidates of round 3 will be eliminated from counselling.
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Links: NEET UG Counselling 2023: MCC releases notice regarding upgradation of seats from round 2 to 3, check instructions here – Tekmonk Bio, NEET UG Counselling 2023: MCC releases notice regarding upgradation of seats from round 2 to 3, check instructions here – Kungfutv, NEET UG Counselling 2023: MCC releases notice regarding upgradation of seats from round 2 to 3, check instructions here – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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