
Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23)

Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) - networth, wiki, biography
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This weekend, Netflix is welcoming the third season of a rom-com TV series, the sequel to a mystery movie, the movie adaptation of a musical, and a prequel miniseries of a popular Netflix TV series. Last weekend, the streaming giant added the drama movie Critical Thinking, seasons 1 and 2 of The Hills, and Steven Soderbergh’s Side Effects, along with the Christmas rom-com movie I Believe in Santa, Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s BARDO, False Chronicle of a Handful of Truths, and the spy-adventure TV series The Recruit.

Just like last week, this weekend won’t see the addition of much licensed content to Netflix’s catalog, with the animated movie Trolls, the horror movie The Invitation (2022), and the romantic drama After Ever Happy. All eyes will be on this weekend’s original content, and there’s a variety of titles to choose from. That said, Netflix’s subscribers will get to enjoy a new season of Emily Cooper’s adventures in Paris, the sequel to Rian Johnson’s Knives Out, the movie adaptation of a musical based on a children’s novel, and a miniseries from the universe of The Witcher. Here are the best movies and TV shows coming to Netflix this weekend – December 23.

Emily in Paris – season 3

Emily’s adventures and struggles in Paris continue in Emily in Paris season 3. A whole year has passed since Emily Cooper (Lily Collins) moves from Chicago to Paris to bring an American point of view to French marketing firm Savoir, and she’s now at a crucial crossroads in every aspect of her life. With two different bosses, two love interests, and a fractured friendship, Emily will have to decide exactly where her loyalties lie at work and in her romantic life and what those decisions mean for her future in France, all while continuing to immerse herself in the adventures and twists and turns that life in Paris provides.

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Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery

Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) 1Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) 2

Rian Johnson’s highly-anticipated sequel to Knives Out is now available to stream on Netflix. Leaving the Thrombeys behind, private detective Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) is ready to take on a new mystery in a completely different setting. Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery sees Blanc being invited by tech billionaire Miles Bron (Edward Norton) for a “murder mystery party” getaway on his private Greek island, Glass Onion, along with many other people. However, the party goes wrong and there’s an actual murder, which Blanc now must solve and discover who the killer is. Also starring in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery are Janelle Monáe, Kathryn Hahn, Leslie Odom Jr., Kate Hudson, and Dave Bautista.

Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical – Netflix Original

Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) 3Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) 4Alisha Weir as Matilda Wormwood in Roal Dahl’s Matilda the Musical

Unlike what many might believe, Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical isn’t a remake of the 1996 movie Matilda, and instead, it’s the film adaptation of the stage musical of the same name, based on Roald Dahl’s 1988 novel Matilda. It tells the story of Matilda Wormwood (Alisha Weir), a young girl with a vivid imagination and extraordinary powers who takes a stand to change her story when she comes across abusive adults, most notably Miss Trunchbull (Emma Thompson), headmistress of the school Matilda goes to. Also starring are Lashana Lynch as Miss Honey, Stephen Graham as Mr. Wormwood, and Andrea Riseborough as Mrs. Wormwood.

The Witcher: Blood Origin

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Expanding the universe of Netflix’s The Witcher is the prequel miniseries The Witcher: Blood Origin. Set 1200 years before the event of the main series, in an elven world, Blood Origin is the story of one of seven outcasts who unite against an unstoppable power that took everything from them. Their quest makes way for the creation of a prototype Witcher in the events that led to the Conjunction of the Spheres, which brought together the worlds of monsters, men, and elves. Starring in The Witcher: Blood Origin are Michelle Yeoh, Sophia Brown, Laurence O’Fuarain, Lenny Henry, Francesca Mills, Mirren Mack, Minnie Driver, and more.

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Links: Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) – Tekmonk Bio, Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) – Kungfutv, Netflix: The Best New TV Shows & Movies This Weekend (December 23) – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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