
Netizens slam nutritionist for criticising people ordering McDonald’s

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A nutritionist stopped by McDonald’s recently to purchase a bottle of water. As she waited for her turn in the queue, she saw someone’s order and decided to take a picture of it. Later on, she posted the picture on her social media account and criticised people for making unhealthy food choices. The nutritionist is now facing backlash over the tweet.

Picture of McDonald’s meal shared by the nutritionist. (X/@PramilaMundra)

“As I wait for a bottle of water in the queue – this is what I see most people ordering! No Wonder overweight, obesity, and most metabolic diseases are on the rise. I realise we have come very far away from real foods!” wrote nutritionist Pramila Mundra while sharing a picture on X.

The picture the nutritionist shared features a meal consisting of burgers, fries, and a soft drink.

Take a look at the picture of an order clicked by Pramila Mundra below:

Since being shared on August 20, the tweet has accumulated over 3.9 lakh views, and the numbers are still increasing. Netizens quickly flocked to the comments section of the tweet to share their thoughts.

Here’s what X users reacted to the nutritionist post:

An individual posted, “Didn’t feel awkward clicking pics like this on someone’s table?”

“Why are you waiting for a bottle of water at McDonald’s?” enquired another. To this, the nutritionist replied, “Because that was the nearest outlet from my shopping store!”

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A third commented, “It was all planned and we fell for it.”

“You were waiting for a bottle of water in a queue at McDonald’s and you’re surprised that people are ordering McDonald’s food at McDonald’s? Just trying to understand,” expressed a fourth.

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A fifth shared, “Yes, we go to McDonald’s to buy water. It’s famous for its McWater.”

Categories: Trending

Links: Netizens slam nutritionist for criticising people ordering McDonald’s – Tekmonk Bio, Netizens slam nutritionist for criticising people ordering McDonald’s – Kungfutv, Netizens slam nutritionist for criticising people ordering McDonald’s – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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