
Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

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Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education – Australian philanthropist Nicola Forrest. She is well-known for being Andrew Forrest’s wife. An Australian businessman is her wife. Australia’s New South Wales is where she was born.

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Bio

NameNicola Forrest
Age54-56 Old
Date Of BirthNot Known
BirthplaceNew South Wales, Australia
HometownNew South Wales, Australia

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Measurement

Height5 feet 5 inches
Weight65 kg
Eye ColourBlue
Hair ColourBlonde

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Educational Qualifications

SchoolHigh schools
College or UniversityPrivate University
Educational DegreeGraduated

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Family

FatherTony Maurice
MotherBrooke Maurice
Brother / SisterNot Known
Children3 Children

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Marital Status

Marital StatusMarried
Spouse NameAndrew Forrest

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Net Worth

Net Worth In Dollars$32 Billion
SalaryNot Known

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest Social Media Accounts

Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education

Nicola Forrest News

One of the wealthiest couples in Australia has announced their separation, but they are adamant that it won’t have an effect on their joint companies, such the massive mining company Fortescue Metals Group (FMG).

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Millionaire philanthropists Andrew and Nicola Forrest announced their separation on Wednesday night in a statement. They had been married for more than three decades.

The statement read, “After 31 years of marriage, we have decided to live apart.” “Our ties of friendship and loyalty to our families are still strong. “Fortescue, Minderoo, or Tattarang’s operations, management, or direction are unaffected.

“We will continue to create wealth and give it away to address local and global challenges,” the statement reads. Together, they hold 37% of FMG, which last year declared an after-tax net profit of $US6.2 billion ($9.2 billion). The Minderoo Foundation and their private investment firm Tattarang are two of the couple’s joint commercial and charitable endeavours.

Their holdings include Camilla clothes, RM Williams, Harvest Road, and the energy, real estate, and resource industries.

Their transfer of one-fifth of their FMG shares to the Minderoo Foundation in June was highlighted in the statement announcing their split.

A business named Coaxial Ventures was established the day before that donation was made public, and paperwork reveal that Ms. Forrest is its sole owner. When the donation to Minderoo was made public, 50 million FMG shares were also transferred to Ms. Forrest’s new business.

Mr. Forrest, a mining mogul from Western Australia, was named as the second wealthiest person in Australia, behind Gina Rinehart, with a fortune valued at roughly $33.2 billion by the Australian Financial Review.

Mr. Forrest has spent the last five years looking for government financing from all around the world to support his plans for green hydrogen, as he is convinced that the technology can put an end to the fossil fuel industry.

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It contributed to a contentious argument with fellow WA millionaire Kerry Stokes, whom he accused of exploiting his control over the media to undermine his “green energy mission” by owning the state’s sole daily newspaper.

Categories: Biography

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Links: Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education – Tekmonk Bio, Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education – Kungfutv, Nicola Forrest Wikipedia, Age, Net Worth, Education – Blogtomoney

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