
Nine of the dead in the netherlands and German city of Hanau, germany, is also suspected in death

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The German police have a suspect in the netherlands in the German city of Hanau, germany Thursday morning dead in his home is found. Wednesday evening arrived,

The German police have a suspect in the netherlands in the German city of Hanau, germany Thursday morning dead in his home is found. Wednesday evening arrived, nine people were killed in two different shootings in Hanau, germany, which is by the same person, it would have been.

In the same home where the suspect was found, it was also not yet identified the body found.

The investigation is still in progress and the police have found no evidence to suggest that there are still more suspects have been.

The incidents might have happened when two of the shishabars. The intent of the shooters is still unknown.

the First time, killing the suspect three people in the bar, and then go to a different district of Hanau, germany to drive, it writes the Hessenschau. There, the defendant would be in a different bar, another five people have been killed.

Several people were seriously injured, one of which is a wed night, it is death.

Date Of Update: 20 February 2020, 07:00

Categories: Optical Illusion

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Links: Nine of the dead in the netherlands and German city of Hanau, germany, is also suspected in death – Tekmonk Bio, Nine of the dead in the netherlands and German city of Hanau, germany, is also suspected in death – Kungfutv, Nine of the dead in the netherlands and German city of Hanau, germany, is also suspected in death – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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