
No 13 and 23 of the Dutch in quarantine in a hotel in Tenerife

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The ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on Wednesday that 23 of the Dutch in the quarantine are located in the hotel H10 Costa Adeje Palace hotel, on the Spani

The ministry of Foreign Affairs reported on Wednesday that 23 of the Dutch in the quarantine are located in the hotel H10 Costa Adeje Palace hotel, on the Spanish island of Tenerife. Previously, it was thought that the thirteen Dutch people went down.

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According to the ministry, there is no evidence to suggest that the Dutch people have been infected with the COVID-19-the virus. There is an australian honorary consul on the island, is present and, where possible, to help and to provide information on fellow americans at the hotel.

Also, the british embassy in Madrid to be in contact with the Spanish authorities, the situation on the island and monitor it.

All of the guests at the hotel for fourteen days in quarantine in their hotel rooms to stay. The hotel is at least 15 march.

At the hotel, took the four Italians from the Lombardy region of positive corona virus. For the other Italians out of their party so they tested negative for the virus, according to the Spanish authorities.

is expected To be tens of thousands of people in the next few days to celebrate carnival in the Canary Islands. Travel agencies have been in contact with Dutch and English tourists, who, in the past couple of days, the hotel was abandoned.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: No 13 and 23 of the Dutch in quarantine in a hotel in Tenerife – Tekmonk Bio, No 13 and 23 of the Dutch in quarantine in a hotel in Tenerife – Kungfutv, No 13 and 23 of the Dutch in quarantine in a hotel in Tenerife – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

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