
One Piece Hints At The Return Of Its Most Important Villain

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Contains spoilers for One Piece chapter 1056!

With the conclusion of One Piece’s Wano Arc finally at hand, it seems more apparent than ever that the series’ most important villain is going to make his long awaited return. The infamous Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard is poised to make one of the most devious grabs for power the world of One Piece has ever seen.

In One Piece chapter 1056, Robin reveals to the rest of the Straw Hats that the Ancient Weapon Pluton is hidden underneath Wano. She obtained this information from the Road Poneglyph hidden deep underground, something that Kaido had previously found thanks to his subordinate Jack. As Robin relays this information, the crew is reminded that Franky may actually know how to build another Pluton and that Luffy has no real interest in the Ancient Weapons at all. Unbeknownst to them, the serial killer Caribou is listening in on their conversation and mentions that a “certain someone” will be more than happy to learn that Pluton is hidden away in Wano.

The certain someone Caribou is referring to can only be one individual within the world of One Piece—Blackbeard. As readers know, Blackbeard is the kind of pirate obsessed with shortcuts and getting things done the quickest and easiest way possible in order to obtain power. This was seen most prominently with how he constructed an entire identity and life for himself among the Whitebeard Pirates just to get closer to Devil Fruits. It was again seen when Blackbeard killed Whitebeard in order to steal the powers of the Gura Gura no Mi. It’s no secret that Blackbeard’s crew is also currently in search of the most powerful Devil Fruits imaginable. There is no chance Blackbeard would pass up the opportunity to easily invade Wano and acquire Pluton for himself.

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Throughout One Piece‘s Wano Arc, the idea of opening its borders was brought up again and again almost as if it was a mantra to those defending Wano from Kaido. The idea of Wano finally accepting help from outsiders was something everyone fighting for their country had to come to terms with by the end of the arc. Even then, Momonosuke made the decision not to open the borders of Wano just yet—something for which he was actually praised. Now that it’s known that Pluton is sealed away by Wano’s borders, Momonosuke may have been right all along to keep the borders closed as he could have accidentally unleashed untold destruction. Even so, with the Blackbeard Pirates inevitably on the way to Wano, who knows how long the borders will hold.

Blackbeard is one of the most menacing and destructive forces within the world of One Piece. As he is currently slated to be the series’ final villain, his return to prominence is inevitable. With news of Pluton underneath Wano getting back to Blackbeard, One Piece fans can expect this sinister swashbuckler to be coming back very soon.

One Piece chapter 1056 is available now via the Viz Media website.

Links: One Piece Hints At The Return Of Its Most Important Villain – Tekmonk Bio, One Piece Hints At The Return Of Its Most Important Villain – Kungfutv, One Piece Hints At The Return Of Its Most Important Villain – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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