
Optical Illusion to Test Your Vision: Find the Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds!

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Optical illusions are visual images that are created so that they can fool our brains. They are also called visual illusions and are often used as simple intelligence tests; their popularity is evident in their widespread use in pop culture.


There are three main types of optical illusions: literal, physiological, and cognitive. 


Literal illusions occur when our brains misinterpret the physical properties of an object. 


Physiological illusions are caused by the way our eyes and brains process light and colour. 


Cognitive illusions occur when our brains make assumptions about what we are seeing, even when the evidence contradicts those assumptions.


According to research, regular practise of optical illusions can improve concentration and prevent cognitive decline in adults.


Do you want to test the sharpness of your eyes?


Attempt this challenge and find out now!

Optical Illusion to Test Your Vision: Find the Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds

Source: Brightside


In the image shared above, a group of avocados can be seen.


There is a heart somewhere among the avocados in this image, and the challenge for the readers is to find the heart in 5 seconds.


Your time starts now!


It is a good opportunity to test your observation skills.


Netizens are finding it tough to identify a heart among the avocados.


See also  Optical Illusion Eye Test: If you have Eagle Eyes Find the Number 1893 among 1873 in 18 Secs

If you look carefully at the image, you will be able to spot the heart.


The heart has blended with the avocados so expertly that it is difficult to spot it at first glance. 

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But some of the most attentive readers will be able to spot the heart before others.


Have you spotted the heart?


Hurry up; the clock is ticking.

See also  Optical Illusion Visual Test: If you have Eagle Eyes find the Odd Jug in 18 Seconds


Pay attention to the finer details, and you may spot the heart soon.




Time’s up.


We think some of our expert puzzlers might have spotted the heart already.


Congratulations! You have superior observation skills.


Those who couldn’t spot the heart within the time limit might be curious to know where it is hidden, right?


Scroll below for the solution.

Find Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds: Solution

The heart can be seen on the left side of the image, it is a heart-shaped pit of an avocado.

Optical Illusion to Test Your Vision: Find the Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds! 1Optical Illusion to Test Your Vision: Find the Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds! 2

If you loved this optical illusion challenge, you can try out some more challenges from our recommended reading section below.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Optical Illusion to Test Your Vision: Find the Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds! – Tekmonk Bio, Optical Illusion to Test Your Vision: Find the Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds! – Kungfutv, Optical Illusion to Test Your Vision: Find the Heart among Avocados in 5 Seconds! – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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