
“Our Moving power couple” – Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung stun fans with their pictorial for Harper’s Bazaar

“Our Moving power couple” – Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung stun fans with their pictorial for Harper’s Bazaar - networth, wiki, biography
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On August 18, 2023, the South Korean fashion magazine Harper’s Bazaar shared the latest pictorial featuring the K-drama couple Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung, where the duo exudes enchanting chemistry.

The magazine outlet posted five pictures along with the caption:

“A Perfect Couple Jo In-sung and Han Hyo-ju of Disney+ original series #which has been receiving hot response worldwide since its release on August 9. They showed the delightful couple chemistry that contradicts the affectionate appearance in the drama.”

Soon, the pictorial went viral on social media, where K-drama fans couldn’t contain their excitement upon seeing the couple, who are currently the talk of the town in the K-drama community due to their enchanting onscreen chemistry in Moving. One fan tweeted:

“PARENTS” – K-drama fans can’t get enough of Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung’s chemistry in the latest pictorial

In the latest pictorial for Harper’s Bazaar, Moving couple, Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung, are adorned in matching clothing pieces. Both are dressed in black and white attire. Han Hyo-joo wears a shirt, complementing her look with a faux leather mini-skirt and an open tie, allowing her hair to flow freely for an enchanting appearance.

Meanwhile, Jo In-sung sports a white t-shirt with a tie, completing his ensemble with black pants. As Han Hyo-joo holds a camera, Jo In-sung gently clasps her hands, tenderly gazing at her with affection and radiating beautiful chemistry. In other pictures, they exude closeness, and the magazine’s publication of their individual pictorials has sent fans into a frenzy.

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They previously worked together on projects in 2005 and 2012, so veteran K-drama fans are overjoyed to see them together once more. Their hearts are full of joy on seeing the pair back together.

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Take a look at the fan reactions to the couple’s latest pictorial:

At present, Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung are the talk of the town within the K-drama community due to their chemistry in episodes 8 and 9 of the ongoing Disney+ drama, Moving, where their love story has evoked both tears and happiness.

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An interview followed the pictorial, where the duo discussed working together. The actress openly expressed her feelings about her co-star, stating, as translated by Soompi:

“I’ve come to realize that Jo In-sung is a very thoughtful person after I met him as a co-star this time. Do you call it ‘tsundere’? He is very considerate of others and very thoughtful, but he really hates letting people know of that side of him. He also has a strong sense of responsibility to lead the project as the main character, so I could rely on him a lot. There were many moments I felt thankful to him”

Meanwhile, Jo In-sung showered compliments on the actress and conveyed, as translated by Soompi:

“I saw actress Han Hyo-joo in a different light after working together through this project when we have accumulated age and experience. There is an unscientific feeling that is conveyed through photos or the screen. Looking at Han Hyo Joo’s eyes, I realized what a great actress she is. I’m not just saying this, but she is an actress whose next 10 years are more anticipated.”

Fans were overjoyed upon reading the brief interview of the actors and expressed their desire to witness more of their onscreen chemistry in the ongoing drama Moving.

The complete pictorial and interview featuring couple will be available in the September edition of the aforementioned publication.

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Categories: Trending

Links: “Our Moving power couple” – Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung stun fans with their pictorial for Harper’s Bazaar – Tekmonk Bio, “Our Moving power couple” – Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung stun fans with their pictorial for Harper’s Bazaar – Kungfutv, “Our Moving power couple” – Han Hyo-joo and Jo In-sung stun fans with their pictorial for Harper’s Bazaar – Blogtomoney

Written by mybio

I want to write about famous people because they have many things to learn

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