
Overview, advice, labour market, mandatory insurance, and deeltijdontslag

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The commission will present its report on the labor market to Minister Wouter Bird (Social Security) on Thursday. Summary of

The commission will present its report on the labor market to Minister Wouter Bird (Social Security) on Thursday. Summary of recommendations grouped under the themes of flexibility, clarity, resilience and reciprocity.

Employers will need to identify the function, location and working hours (and salary) of employees who will be able to adapt to economic difficulties. – with the introduction of deeltijdontslag, no right or benefit is ESSENTIAL here for pre-approval, all that is needed to pass. Also, this can only be done when the economy is bad, go to the company, and there must be a “compelling interest”.

Employers can fire employees for personal reasons. As for the reasons for the employer’s lack of foundation, the above compensation for loss of function.

The continuation of salary payment in case of illness will be reduced from two years to one year. – All workers, including self-employed workers, must be taxed equally.

Tax breaks for self-employed persons, such as zelfdigendenaftrek, will disappear. In return, you will get tax relief for the self-employed, such as those in their own business, for investing through, for example, a general tax cut. – flexible work must be more expensive, so the price of flexible work is not on the management of the company.

Higher minimum wage for workers with flexible contracts. – – – Inkomensverzekering needed by the general public as a safety net when people are no longer able to meet their living expenses. – Oproepcontracten are not allowed to have a minimum number of hours for each quarter of the year. – The period in which temporary employers should be reduced from three to two years.

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In the future, there are three types of workers: self-employed, temporary employees and uitzendbasis workers. – if you want, you can work as an employee. – Participation in work is key to whether you are self-employed or employed. – a lot of uitzendconstructies to prevent the broadcast of employees, unless there is a temporary employment agency and uitzendopdracht. – Temporary employees after 26 weeks, greater protection in place for up to 78 weeks. – Fixed-term employees from the first day have the right to the same working conditions as employees of the company to which they are assigned.

as a budget for personal development equal to everyone at birth.

Employers fill the budget every month, and in case of termination of the employment contract (transitievergoeding, i.e. compensation for loss of function).

Transitiervergoeding turns it into a budget for personal development. – – – Basic disability insurance scheme for the workforce, administered by the state. – compulsory supplementary pension for incapacity for work for employees, without the obligation of self-employment. Both higher and reduced benefits FOR UNEMPLOYMENT. – Mandatory – or professional training during the period of unemployment.

Prior to the right to a pension, it is the duty to look for a job from the first day of ownership. – investing in supporting people who spend long hours on the side. – Earn some extra cash with a bonus, promotion and more clarity on fees.

Date of update: January 23, 2020, 01:01

Categories: Optical Illusion

Links: Overview, advice, labour market, mandatory insurance, and deeltijdontslag – Tekmonk Bio, Overview, advice, labour market, mandatory insurance, and deeltijdontslag – Kungfutv, Overview, advice, labour market, mandatory insurance, and deeltijdontslag – Blogtomoney

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