
Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims - networth, wiki, biography
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  • Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims
  • Patrick Crusius Bio
  • Patrick Crusius Measurement
  • Patrick Crusius Educational Qualifications
  • Patrick Crusius Family
  • Patrick Crusius Marital Status
  • Patrick Crusius Net Worth
  • Patrick Crusius Social Media Accounts
  • Facts about Patrick Crusius
  • Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims – Patrick Crusius, a notorious figure from Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas, was born in 1998 and is an American criminal, Walmart shooter in El Paso, employee, and criminal. On August 3, 2019, at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, he is charged with killing 20 people. This mass killing episode, which left 26 people seriously hurt, took place close to Cielo Vista Mall.

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Twenty people died as a result of the 21-year-old’s open fire while entering the Walmart complex in El Paso. Patrick, the suspect, was reportedly taken into custody this afternoon, according to the local police report. He is also found to have his AK-47 gun (weapon) in his possession.

    Patrick Crusius Bio

    NamePatrick Crusius
    Age24 years
    Date Of Birth1998
    ProfessionAn Employee in a Private Company
    BirthplaceAllen, Texas, America
    HometownDallas, Fort Worth, Texas

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Patrick Crusius Measurement

    Height5 feet 8 inch
    Weight68 Kg
    Eye ColourBrown
    Hair ColourDark Brown

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Patrick Crusius Educational Qualifications

    SchoolPlano Senior High SchoolLiberty High SchoolBeverly Elementary School, Plano
    College or UniversityCollin College in McKinney, Texas
    Educational DegreeGraduate from the Collin College

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Patrick Crusius Family

    FatherNot Known
    MotherNot Known
    Brother / SisterNot Known
    ChildrenSon: Not KnownDaughter: Not Known

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart VictimsPatrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims 1Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims 2Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Patrick Crusius Marital Status

    Marital StatusUnmarried
    Spouse NameNot Known

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Patrick Crusius Net Worth

    Net Worth In Dollars$60,000 US Dollars
    Salary$5K – $6K USD

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victimsv

    Patrick Crusius Social Media Accounts

    Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart VictimsPatrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims 3Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims 4Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims

    Facts about Patrick Crusius

    • Leigh Ann Locascio, a former neighbour of Patrick Crusius, disclosed some private details about him. He was an introverted student at his school, she added, according to US media. On the school bus and inside his institute, he was by himself. Additionally, he displays a bad attitude towards his coworkers.
    • Tony Locascio, Leigh Ann’s son, attended school with him and his sister. He’s never maintained a friendship with Tony, though.
    • He enjoys spending time with animals and keeps a pet snake at home.
    • In Texas, Patrick was collaborating with a private company. His net worth is estimated to be $60,000 USD in 2019. He made between $5K and $6K USD every month.
    • The Christchurch mosque gunman “Brenton Tarrant” was given Patrick Crusius’ endorsement in his manifesto. He also expresses hatred for Muslims who attend prayers at Christchurch’s Masjid in New Zealand.
    • He stated on his LinkedIn profile in 2015 that he wasn’t motivated to do anything to make money. He preferred working as a software engineer, though. Crusius spent an additional eight hours working on his computer to broaden his technological knowledge.
    • It was disclosed by his classmate “Jacob Wilson” that he is a bright student in his English class. But due of his wrath, temper, and odd behaviour, his fellow student did not enjoy interacting with him. Jacob is currently operating his family’s scrap metal recycling business.
    • His official Twitter account was shut down on Saturday night. He had already tweeted support for Donald Trump’s initiative to erect a wall along the US-Mexico border.

    Categories: Biography

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Links: Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims – Tekmonk Bio, Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims – Kungfutv, Patrick Crusius Wikipedia, Wiki, Nationality, Race, Hispanic, Photo, heritage, family of, Image, Mom, El Paso Walmart Victims – Blogtomoney

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